Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1018 Online dating chooses me, I'm super sweet 9

Little Rouge: [Please, please]

He Jinnian didn't mind teasing the other party just because he was idle.

His account number is private, except for some friends in the circle, outsiders don't know his account number at all.

This is the first time that someone is so straightforward and unwilling to give up and wants to add him as a friend.

Ten years of big dreams: Why do you have to add me as a friend?

Little Rouge: [Excited to fly! ]

Little Rouge: Ah, ah, my brother got back to me! happy! QVQ

Little Rouge: Because I'm a fan of my brother! I have heard all of my brother's works, and I like them very much!

Such a straightforward confession made He Jinnian laugh and laugh.

Relationships in reality are so unreliable, let alone online? He felt that across a network cable, he didn't know whether the other party was a human or a ghost, and he could still love vigorously.

The other party can say these words, and it is estimated that he will not be too old.

Big Dream Ten Years: How old are you?

Little Rouge: [Innocent] I'm eighteen years old~ I can fall in love!

Little Rouge: [Please, please]


He Jinnian was silent for a while, and then he agreed to the friend request, but it was just an online friend, and it didn't mean anything.

Little Rouge: ! ! !

Little Rouge: Ah, ah, my brother agreed, my god wysl! ! No, I'm going to run around the school playground twice now!

Are you so happy? He Jinnian raised his eyebrows.

Wen Hang has just been disliked, and this will come back to his old ways, and come over cheaply. He Jinnian quickly put the phone back in his pocket, but Wen Hang's sharp eyes caught two ambiguous words.

"elder brother!!"

He roared violently, more excited than he was in a relationship, "Brother? My God, He Jinnian, the young master, I really can't see it. You don't say anything on weekdays, so you're so boring in private!"

He Jinnian was yelled at by him, and his ears were almost deaf.

He sneered and kicked his foot.

Wen Hang had long been used to his routine, and immediately jumped out several meters away, laughing like a cheap one.

In He Jinnian's eyes, he could not wait to strangle him.

"Brother~ Brother He~"

I don't know if everyone can imagine that a strong man of about 1.8 meters, full of muscles and dark skin. Looking at it, the male hormones are bursting, but the mother choked her throat and called her brother.

He Jinnian didn't know about others, but he was disgusted by Wen Hang.

"To shut up."

He lowered his face and glanced at Wen Hang with a warning.

Wen Hang giggled, took out his phone and told his friends group what he saw.

He was chatting, he didn't notice behind him at all.

"Hey - Su Yan!"

He Jinnian's pupils shrank, and a conditioned reflex reminded him.

In the next second, there was only a bang, accompanied by screams like killing a pig, He Jinnian stood not far from the school gate, the corners of his lips twitched.

He raised his eyes and looked at the girl standing in front of a pink sports car, looking arrogant and contemptuous, with arms folded. The hem of the red silk shirt was blown by the wind, and the dark blue jeans outlined a pair of long, slender, straight legs. He stepped on high-heeled shoes, and his body was uneven. It seemed that he could walk around the runway at any time.

In He Jinnian's eyes, the scene just now was like a slow motion movie.

When Wenhang was going backwards, he was about to hit Su Yan. Seeing that she didn't change her face, she sneered, raised her foot and kicked the person out.

Wen Hang is about 1.8 meters tall, and his height is proportional to his weight.

I can't really see-

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