Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1020 Online dating choose me, I am super sweet 11

Seeing him nod like garlic, he obviously admits defeat.

He Jinnian tilted his head and glanced at Su Rou, with a flash of interest in his eyes. The other party took the mobile phone to reply to the message, and the privacy film made him see it from this angle, it was pitch black. His eyes moved down and landed on her slender and fragile wrist. Not long ago, the same watch on top was taken off by him.

After Su Yan sent the message, she calmly retracted her phone.


He Jinnian's mobile phone rang in He Jinnian's pocket, he paused, and opened the phone.

Little Rouge: My brother seems to be very busy, so I won't disturb him~ I'll see you tonight~

Little Rouge: [waving handkerchief]

The corners of He Jinnian's lips twitched, where did this little girl come from so many emojis, it's really--

He didn't reply and put the phone back in.

He Jinnian didn't reply, which was what Su Rou expected. She turned around with all kinds of style, her figure was like the wind, her steps were huge, and her body was full of indescribable willfulness and wind.

She stood beside a sports car, knocked on the window, and signaled to He Jinnian.

He Jinnian raised his eyebrows and unlocked it.

Then Su Yan didn't treat herself as an outsider at all, opened the passenger's door directly, bent over and sat in.

He Jinnian: "..."

Wen Hang: "??? Brother, you are hiding deep enough!"

It's okay to say it's okay, it's okay to take a car now? This is really really Mars hitting the earth, the end of the world!

"You talk too much."

"No, it doesn't matter if you two, I remember that your co-pilot never sat for others, right? Now that she is seated, you don't say anything?" Wen Hang asked puzzled.

He Jinnian said, he walked to the car, looked down at Su Yan indifferently, and smiled strangely: "Your brain is caught in the door?"

Wen Hang slapped his forehead with a slap.

Sure enough, he just overestimated He Jinnian, this guy is a straight man of steel.

If you want him to say two nice words, it is more realistic to dream!

Su Yan lowered the car window, not caring at all about the gossip around her eyes, lying on the window lazily, raised her eyes and smiled, "Not only was it caught by the door, but also infected by the donkey~"


He Jinnian didn't react at first until he heard Wen Hang's uncontrollable laughter.

He exhaled, opened the car door, "Get down."

Su Yan curled her lips, "No."

One indifferent, one simply.

Wen Zheng squeezed the crowd away, and what he saw was such a picture. They had an ambiguous relationship with him, and the whole school defaulted that they were in a relationship. At this time, they were sitting in the passenger seat of He Jinnian.

As soon as his figure appeared, the eyes of everyone looking at him immediately changed. Either sympathy or watching a good show makes Wen Zheng's expression difficult to see the extreme for a moment.

It was as if a pair of invisible hands had slapped him hard, and he felt green light all over his body.

Su Yingyue took a step slower, holding the book, she stared at the scene in surprise.

The Shura Field is no different.

But Su Yan, when did she have such a good relationship with He Jinnian?

Wen Zheng strode over, this time it was difficult to maintain a good temper with Su Yan. They are all the favored sons of heaven, and Su Yan doing this is tantamount to cuckolding him brightly.

"Su Yan, what's your relationship with He Jinnian?" He asked with a gloomy expression.

He Jinnian hooked his lower lip, and did not rush Su Yan to go down.

He sat lazily on the car body, obviously watching the show and not interfering.

Su Yan was funny when she heard the words, her eyebrows were bright and bright, and her face became more arrogant when she smiled, "I just fell asleep with him, what does it have to do with you?"

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