Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1033 Online dating choose me, I am super sweet 24

Su Yan asked worriedly: "Huahua, are you okay? Calm down, don't get too excited."

"Pffhahahahaha!!" Hearing this sentence, he burst out with laughter, "Don't pay attention to her, she's just pretending."

"That's good~~ Brother! When did you come!"

He Jinnian was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that little rouge's voice to be like this.

It is undeniable that when he first saw the word rouge, the first thing that came to his mind was the name of Su Rouge. He even wondered whether the two would have any connection.

but now--

The voice in the headset is soft and sweet, with joy and joy, and it doesn't seem to be fake at all.

The really young.

"Just here," he said succinctly.

"oh oh."

Su Yan nodded, "Then brother, have you downloaded the game? Have you played it, brother, I'm very good, I can take you to climb the wall!!"

The little girl in the headset had a sweet voice, with a little smugness, and volunteered.

He Jinnian couldn't help but chuckle, "Really?"

When he wasn't laughing, his voice was full of alienation and preciousness. Several people in the group actually knew that He Jinnian was definitely not short of money in reality. All his equipment is the best, and he only picks the ones he is interested in.

He was ruthlessly rejected by He Jinnian when he was approached by a professional studio who dubbed TV dramas and movies.

In his words, there is no shortage of money, and the dubbing is fun, and the nature of the ticket.

So these fans of him are afraid that he will get tired of playing one day, pat his butt and leave, just like those ancient myths, and never see him again.

In fact, it is not necessarily how well matched, but it is the white moonlight in the minds of many people, an irreplaceable existence.

"Humph! Of course it's true, brother, don't underestimate me!"

He Jinnian's Adam's apple moved. Now it has been basically confirmed. The name is probably just an accident. How could that crazy woman speak in such a tone?

Isn't that hell?

"Woooooo, I want to be called brother too! Little Rouge, you can call me brother too~"

He Jinnian sneered, "Go away."

Tutu: "Ow! The big guy even swears so nicely! I really can!"

Nan Feng knew what I meant and was speechless with Bu Ji Nian. When He Jinnian was there, there was nothing to do with the two male compatriots.

Human beings are utterly defeated, is a sand sculpture game in steam. I don't know when it suddenly became popular and prevailed in various circles. In particular, it is very interesting for a few friends to open mic together to form a team, pass or hide and seek.

Because I was worried that He Jinnian would not be able to play, as the owner of the house, I chose a simple copy.

You just need to climb over the wall, then chop down the tree, cross the tree trunk to the middle of the cliff as a bridge, and climb over it to reach the second level.

Su Yan entered the game and muttered, "Brother, look, raise your left hand first, then raise your right hand, jump! Hey! Then climb up..."

She looks like a child, and there is no logic in her speech.

"Why are you ignoring me, brother? Are you here, brother?"

He Jinnian opened the door to pick up a quick meal, and when he came back, he heard this sentence, he said "um", "Yes."

"Hee hee, brother, look at me! Brother, come up quickly, I'll pull you!"

Don't remember the new year's taste: "Alas, who is pulling me?"

Village Flower: "Come here, I'll pull you!" As she said that, she jumped and jumped to the cliff next to her without remembering the year.

Bu Ji Nian roared: "I fuck the village flower, you fucking let go of Lao Tzu!! You drag Lao Tzu off the cliff again, and Lao Tzu finally came over!!"

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