Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1037 Online dating choose me, I am super sweet 28

It's just a bag. He Jinnian's cousin, instead of feeling distressed, is very excited.

The He family is an old-fashioned family, and they still follow the rule that only direct descendants are eligible to inherit the family property. Over the years, their relationship with the direct line has faded long ago. It's not that they haven't thought about repairing it, but there are too many people who want to talk to the direct line of the He family. Where to get them? But now, just because of a bag, she indirectly caught up with He Jinnian.

Isn't that a big gain? !

I don't know which girl is so lucky to make the young master of the He family so attentive.


Su Ro, who had no idea what she was talking about, turned over and slept sweetly.

As for He Jinnian, he woke up early in the morning at dawn.

With a sullen face, he pulled his hair, put on his clothes and went out.

Along the way, the eyes with murderous intent seem to be able to turn into reality.

He, who has always dreamed rarely, had a rare dream. In the dream, he actually slept in the same bed with a woman——

With all the chaos in his mind, he remembered that the man turned over and showed him a charming smile.

That face is a **** person, and it is Su Yan! !

This kind of nonsense dream, why not make him want to kill?

In the past, he was tit for tat with Su Yan, and he didn't feel anything. But now, I don't know if it was because of the influence of those public opinions that he actually had such a strange dream.

As long as he thought that he and Su Yan were sleeping in the same bed, he felt uncomfortable.

With the violence of that woman, would it really not strangle him?

He took the bag from his cousin, and He Jinnian specially called Wen Hang over.

In the end, Wen Hang entrusted another person, and finally before everyone came, the gift box containing the bag was delivered to Su Yan's desk.

Su Yan came two classes late, and no one dared to touch her things.

But the big logo on the gift box is not blind to everyone.

So as soon as she came in, she saw a crowd of envious, jealous and hateful eyes.

Su Yan: "?"

Jiang dreamed of her, and immediately said excitedly: "Rouge! Look, someone gave you a gift!"

Su Yan raised her eyebrows, walked over and saw the gift box on the table, and laughed suddenly.

She hooked her red lips and opened it casually, and it turned out to be a new bag inside.

In fact, she just said casually, knowing that this bag is a limited edition and has not been released in China. I don't know where He Jinnian got it from, or if it's new.

"Wow! New bag from Hermes!!"

Jiang Meng was envious. They were still in school. No matter how good the family conditions were, it was impossible to give them hundreds of thousands of pocket money anytime, anywhere.

If you want to buy a more expensive bag, you have to apply for it with your parents, and you need money.

"Is this package not yet on sale in China? I asked my mother to bring it for me when I went abroad, and she said she didn't buy it. Rouge, do you know who sent this? It's too hard!"

There are many people who are chasing Su Yan. Before Su Yan didn't come, a group of people looked at the box up and down, and there was no message, not even a name.

"I know." Su Yan raised her eyebrows and replied casually.

She unpacked it, took it out, glanced at it, and threw it back.

Jiang Meng looked at her casual look and couldn't help but admire her, this was her confidence.

Hundreds of thousands of bags, in her eyes, are no different from those bought at roadside stalls.

"Ah? Then, who is it?"

As these words fell, a group of people stared at Su Yan, waiting for her answer.

I can't see the comments, and I have no passion for writing QAQ

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