Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1042 Online dating chooses me, I'm super sweet 33

"I rely on... you are too much!!"

Wen Hang covered his nose, and bursts of sourness forced him to burst into tears.

"The teacher is here, the teacher is here!"

In an ordinary school, the teacher does have a deterrent effect, but how could He Jinnian and Wen Zheng who were fighting could be frightened by this sentence.

Just as Wen Hang was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, he didn't know what to do.

The red figure flashed by in front of him, and he stared dumbfoundedly as he stepped on seven centimeters high heels, one left and one right, and pulled the two of them apart with ease and ease.

By the way, one person gave a slap.


Facing He Jinnian's cold gaze, Su Yan put her hands around her chest and raised her eyebrows condescendingly.

He Jinnian gasped, raised his hand and raked the sweaty broken hair behind his head, quietly watching Su Yan without speaking.

The corners of his lips had not been healed before, and now a new injury was added, but this did not affect his beautiful appearance at all. Sitting casually on the basketball court with bent legs, his clothes were torn, and he looked like a prince in distress.

Wen Zheng's expression was gloomy, and his eyes swept across He Jinnian's face fiercely.


He was full of unwillingness, and before he had time to vent, he was slapped in the face again, and he was directly stunned.

"Su Yan! What the hell are you doing?!"

Wen Zheng glared at Su Yan angrily and roared.

He fought with He Jinnian for her, and she slapped him backhand. He Jinnian was also beaten just now, and Wen Zheng's heart was not so unbalanced, but now, why was he beaten again?

Su Yan sneered, and kicked He Jinnian with her toes, "Have you got my permission to hit my boyfriend? Huh?"

She curled her red lips, her eyes drooping with a domineering aura.

"Boy friend?"

Wen Zheng laughed angrily, "When did the two of you date, why don't I know? Su Yan, I know you blame me for finding a woman behind your back, but what about you? Pretend to be arrogant all day long! Be a little more intimate with you It's like an electric shock, and the reaction is intense, what can I do? I'm a normal man, okay?"

Now that the matter is over, Wen Zheng is so angry that he can't even turn around when he opens his mouth.

He Jinnian sneered, he wiped the corner of his lower lip, "Only animals can't control themselves."

So, what's there to be proud of?

"Well, so that's what you really think in your heart?" Su Yan smiled calmly and tilted her head.

Looking at Wen Zheng intently, she has a pair of peach blossom eyes that are born with amorous feelings. When she looks at people seriously, she can see the affectionate affection in her eyes.

Wen Zheng was stunned for a while, then pursed his lips, "Yes."

After speaking, he carefully observed Su Yan's expression, trying to find the jealous look on her face.


In response to him, Su Roan bent over suddenly, pulled up his collar, and half pulled him up.

In front of everyone's eyes, she bent her knees and slammed into him fiercely with a red-lipped smile.

"Um... ah ah... dammit..."

Wen Zheng suddenly curled up on the ground in pain, his forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and his body twitched like a stroke. Su Yan smiled and stepped on his face.

His voice was sluggish and slightly deep, with a smile on his face.

"Since I can't control it, I'll help you out, right? That's why men are cheap, and they're used to making excuses for their carelessness. If you want me to accompany you, are you worthy?"

She pressed her feet hard and crushed Wen Zheng's wound, causing his eyes to turn black in pain.

The men present felt a chill when they saw this picture, as if they could feel Zheng's pain as if they could feel it.

He Jinnian pursed his lips.

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