Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1045 Online dating choose me, I am super sweet 36

Little Rouge: Why is my brother ignoring me? Are you resting? [scratch head]

Little Rouge: [crying and chirping] That brother should have a good rest, I won't disturb you~

Little Rouge: [launching love]

Mother He's smile grew brighter, she slid twice, and her mouth was amazed, "Little girl in love, her mouth is so sweet, she can act like a spoiled child. Brat, I am very satisfied with this daughter-in-law, if you lose her I'll kick you out of the house directly!"

"Cough, cough... Mom, what did you say?!"

He Jinnian was stunned, and the chicken soup choked him to tears. With blurry tears, I saw my mother-in-law, who was watching with his mobile phone.

He remembered that he was chatting with Xiao Rouge just now.

"Stop pretending," Mother He glared at him angrily. "You're not a small kid. There are a lot of people chasing that girl from the Su family. You have to be careful, and don't be poached."

"Cough... Mom!"

He Jinnian didn't drink the chicken soup anymore, and there was a dull taste in his mouth.

He rolled his eyes speechlessly, raised his hand and grabbed the phone back, opened it, and it turned out to be a misunderstanding——

He wanted to explain, but Mother He made it clear that she should not explain, the explanation was a cover up, so He Jinnian opened her mouth and swallowed it back.

Forget it, don't waste your saliva.

After finally sending off Mother He, He Jinnian frowned, feeling that it was necessary for him to talk to Xiao Rouge.

He didn't think it was anything, but Mother He had misunderstood, so the content of their chat was very problematic.

Big Dream Ten Years: Still? Let me tell you something.

Little Rouge: [Good] Here!

Big Dream Ten Years: You are not allowed to call me brother in the future.

Little Rouge: [crying] Why? !

Ten years of big dreams: No reason, don't call me again, I'll block you.

After saying this, there was still no movement there.

He Jinnian thought at first, did he say too much and hurt the little girl's self-esteem?

Then I saw that at the top of the dialog box, the sentence the other party was typing kept flashing.

It has always been-

He is funny: why don't you talk?

Little Rouge: [grievance]

Little Rouge: [Sadness flows into a river]

Little Rouge: [Self-closing]

Ten years of big dreams: talk, don't send emojis

Little Rouge: Why, brother QAQ, I just want to call you brother

He Jinnian's eyelids jumped: No, it will be misunderstood.

Little Rouge: [Innocent] But why do you misunderstand? I didn't send any ambiguous words to my brother.

When He Jinnian saw this sentence, he didn't know what to say.

Just the word 'brother' is already meaningful enough, right?

Big Dream Ten Years: That's not OK, don't call

Little Rouge: Then what should I be called? Brother Nian? Honey? Idol? male god?

Ten Years of Dreams:  …

He Jinnian twitched the corners of his lips, but couldn't smile, but helplessly: Forget it, you'd better call him brother.

These names look even weirder.

Little Rouge: [excited] Brother!

Little Rouge: I love my brother so much! ah ah~~

This little girl, why did she confess her words when she didn't agree? He glanced at her but didn't reply.

After a few minutes, the phone vibrated again.

Little Rouge: Brother, you go to yy!

Big Dream Ten Years: ?

Having said that, he still followed his words and jumped into the small room where he used to go, and the sweet and soft voice immediately appeared in his ears.

"Is brother here? Hello, brother?"

"Well, yes."

"Does my brother's wound hurt? Then, can I sing a song for my brother?"

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