Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1047 Online dating chooses me, I am super sweet 38

"Why! Brother doesn't like this song? Then I sing a little waist for my brother?"

He Jinnian: "..."

Although I haven't heard it before, but looking at the name, I know it's not a serious song.

"Okay, okay, I like listening to it! Little Rouge sing!"

"Hey~ I didn't expect the Great God to be so domineering, ahem, he is not allowed to sing to outsiders in the future, do you hear it?! Hahahahaha~"

"Why don't you let Xiao Rouge sing? Could it be that God thinks this song is too serious?"

Just as the two of them were talking, at some point in time, several people were already crowded into the small room yy.

They are all orange horses in the channel, and they are arrogant when they speak.

The sudden sound made Su Roan say "Ah" in fright, and she shyly slipped out of the wheat without saying a word.

"Hey, why don't you talk? Are you shy?" Cunhua's loud voice was rough and his laughter was extremely brainwashed, "Hahahaha how can you do this! You just treat us as air, not to sing a little waist to the great god. Come? Come, I'll hold you on the wheat!"

He Jinnian held his forehead: "Enough, don't scare her."


"Look, look at the tone of the domineering president's doting little wife, sigh, we people are suffering. We don't want to be human, I would rather stay in peace and quiet, and some people think we are annoying, I'm really sad already."

Su Yan, who was hugged to Mai again, had a calm expression, but her tone was completely different. She shyly said, "I can't sing well, and only my brother is willing to listen. Don't laugh at me~ I still have to do my homework, so let's go first! Bye bye !"

After speaking, she quickly got down and exited from the small room.

People who came to watch the fun, ate a melon, and felt satisfied at this time.

But Su Yan had already left. Facing the suddenly quiet room, they were inexplicably cowardly.

"Go on, why don't you say it?" He Jinnian was so relaxed, his face was not blushing or panting, and he was calm and natural.

He squinted, playing with his phone casually.

"That... I suddenly remembered that the clothes on my balcony have not been confiscated. I will go to collect the clothes first!" After that, Bu Ji Nian quickly fled.

"I'm going to collect clothes for the Year of the Dog. Goodbye God." This is Nan Feng.

The remaining two He Jinnian fans, facing the suddenly quiet air, could not wait to curl up into a ball.

Even the most energetic village flower, who was joking just now, was instantly dispirited.

"You two have no clothes to collect?" He Jinnian raised his eyebrows.

"Ah yes! Yes! I'm going to collect my clothes, goodbye God!"

"I'll go too, I'll go too, the Great God wishes you and Xiao Rouge a long, long-lasting relationship and a good son at an early age!"

The two quickly fled, and soon only He Jinnian was left in the room.


After a long time, a light tsk sounded in the ward, He Jinnian threw the phone aside, lay down with his hands behind his head, and looked comfortable.

Mood is much better.

【Did you get rid of the single today? 】

Village Flower: Year of the Garbage Dog, come out and die!

Tutu: The Year of the Garbage Dog, come out and die!

Nanfeng knew what I meant: calm down, I have beaten him just now.

Murakami: Then fight again!

Don't remember the year: rely on! Are you still human? If it wasn't for me, would you be able to eat this fresh and sweet melon? Um? Can you do it? !

Tutu: Don't talk nonsense, don't kill for resources, I know you must have recorded it.

Don't remember the year:  …

Bunny: Do you send it?

Village Flower: Nanfeng, please eat takeaway and beat me to death in the Year of the Dog!

Nanfeng knows what I mean: how many meals?

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