Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1050 Online dating choose me, I am super sweet 41

If Su Yan didn't intervene, then when Uncle Su came to buy the land, Su Shan would directly transfer the land in the west of the city to Uncle Su at a low price.

That piece of land itself is not very valuable, and no one in the circle is optimistic at all.

But who would have thought that Uncle Su would be a blessing in disguise?

In just two years, the state has issued many policies. The plan that should have been implemented in Green Lake Town was finally given to the west of the city. Not only resorts were built, but subways and even a film and television city were also built.

Within a few years, it prospered rapidly.

And the liquidity in Su Shan's hands was trapped because of false news.

This is also the reason why it was so easy to hear Zheng in the end, and he was able to destroy the Great Su Clan.

"Uncle wants the land in Luhu Town?" Su Yan asked leisurely, holding a cup of tea.

"Uh... Ah Rou, this is about me and your father. Would you like your father to talk to me?" Uncle Su frowned, and was a little unhappy when he saw Su Rou interjecting repeatedly.

When Su Shan saw that Uncle Su turned his face on his precious daughter, his expression sank, "Aro is my only daughter, and my things belong to hers. Is there anything she can't say or listen to?"

"No big brother," Uncle Su smiled wryly when he saw Su Shan was unhappy, "I just think that Ah Rou is still a child, not sensible..."

"Why don't you understand?" Su Shan patted Su Roon on the shoulder with a proud look, "Now my A Rouge can help me with company affairs, it seems that I can retire early. Sigh!"

He laughed, eyes full of pride.

I didn't notice the murderous intent that flashed quickly in Uncle Su's eyes. It seems that he is determined to give the company to this girl.

But a girl, if she gets married in the future, won't the company become someone else's?

He was calculating in his heart, and there was nothing to show on his face.

"Haha, I always knew that Ah Rou was excellent, but I didn't expect you to trust me so much."

"That's right, of course I trust my daughter!" Su Shan looked at Su Yan dotingly, suddenly remembered, and asked, "By the way, what about Yingyue? When are you going to let her get in touch with things in the company? These experiences in universities and in the business world must be accumulated in society!"

Su Yingyue's fingernails snapped into her palms, and her eyes fell on Su Ming.

Su Ming smiled awkwardly, "Don't worry, don't worry, big brother, what happened there..."


Su Yan passed over Su Shan and nodded in agreement.

Su Shan was stunned for a moment, and frowned indistinctly. To be honest, he didn't plan to take action on the land in Green Lake Town at all.

Those who are in the business of real estate development have some contacts in their hands and can get reliable information.

That piece of land, soon, will be ready for construction.

"Dad, didn't you say you'd leave it to me? Can you leave this to me?" Su Yan tugged at the corner of Su Shan's clothes and said coquettishly.

As soon as her voice softened, Su Shan couldn't do it anymore. He glared at her helplessly, "Don't mess around, this is your uncle!"

He shook his head secretly and gestured to Su Yan.

As if she hadn't seen it, Su Yan said to Su Ming, "Uncle, if you want the land, you have to bring the money. Although you and my father are brothers, you have to settle the account, too? If you want to come, uncle, you too. I don’t want to take advantage of my father. Besides, we have received reliable information, and it will be demolished and rebuilt soon!”

Su Ming's face changed, he thought the news was secret enough, but even Su Yan knew it?

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