Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1063 Online dating choose me, I am super sweet 54

"It's better to eat less fast food," Su Yan pulled up a chair and sat across from him, playing with her mobile phone with her legs crossed and her eyes down, she said casually, "I don't want my boyfriend to be a man who can't stand his shoulders. I can't mention it, eating junk food will eat the sick seedlings that ruin the body, which will affect the future happiness-cough..."

Realizing that she had said the wrong thing, Su Roan swallowed the rest of her words.

But it was too late to take back what was said.

She raised her eyes and met He Jinnian's half-smile but not smiling eyes, he bit the spoon, pulled out an evil smile and looked at Su Yan, making a sudden realization, "Oh~~ So you've been planning on me for a long time. !"


Su Yan was dumbfounded, her small face, who had always been calm and calm, suddenly turned red, she gritted her teeth and grabbed the phone and wanted to smash it, "If you don't want to die, you'd better shut up for me!"

He Jinnian rarely sees Su Yan shy, how could he give up so easily?

Besides, he and Su Yan have always been used to tit-for-tat, and don't take Su Yan as a woman at all.

"Tsk tsk, you're shy? But don't think too much. This is not just a game. Who wants to marry a violent woman. I'm really married, and I can't be raped by you every day?"

He said in a joking tone.

But after he finished speaking, he regretted seeing the smile slowly disappearing on Su Yan's face and the gradually cold eyes.

"Oh? Is it?"

Su Yan smiled, put away her phone and stood up indifferently.

"So in your eyes, this is a game? That's it, it's over."

As proud as she is, even if it ends, she will tell her.

After saying that, Su Yan turned around and walked towards the door without looking back.

She took big steps, as if she couldn't wait to leave this place. Without turning his head, he was surrounded by indifference.


He Jinnian had never seen Su Yan like this. She laughed and scolded him before, but she had never seen her cold, surrounded by hard ice, preventing everyone from approaching.

She watched Su Yan open the door and left without looking back.

The door 'bang' was slammed shut, making a loud noise.

"Su Yan, I..."

He Jinnian looked at the food that had lost its temperature on the table in front of him, and suddenly lost the desire to eat.

His Adam's apple rolled, and he sat silently at the dining table, his mind blank.

At first he admitted that he was watching out for Su Yan, thinking that Su Yan was playing tricks on him? Later, the mentality of not admitting defeat prevailed, and he still went back and forth with Su Yan, and staged the image of a pair of hypocritical couples.

And now, Su Yan said, it can be over.

Why is he not happy?

"I didn't mean to, I just..." He opened his mouth, just what?

Just kidding, but no one wants to listen anymore. He forgot that Su Yan was also a woman, and she also cared about feelings.

As long as I think about it, no one will toss him again in the future, calling him to buy supper in the middle of the night, and calling him out to play in the morning. If he saw any limited edition, he had to buy it. He knew that he was a man and didn't understand those things at all.

In the past few months with her, he gradually changed from a person who knew nothing about women's products to a person who was tempered by Su Yan. He knew not only various brands of women's luxury accessories, but also some brands of daily necessities that she was used to. .

This is something I hadn't thought of before.

No wonder even his best friend Wen Hang never suspected that his relationship with Su Yan was fake.

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