Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1074 Online dating chooses me, I'm super sweet (end)


Two years later, Su Yan and He Jinnian graduated and planned to get married soon.

The land in the west of the city, according to the historical trajectory, has also started construction. The Su family made a lot of money because of this, and accumulated a lot of money for their already deep family background.

However, Su Ming, who had been independent for a long time, seemed to be stunned. Facing the pressure exerted on him by all parties, he almost turned pale overnight.

For this piece of land, he almost sacrificed everything and put all the liquidity in his hands into it.

He even dragged the Wen family to join the team, intending to make a lot of money.


It is clear that there is accurate news that Green Lake Town will be developed soon, a resort film and television city, and various transportation facilities.

Why suddenly, it was implemented elsewhere?

Su Ming couldn't figure it out. For a while, Su Ming's company was in a deadlock because of the flow of funds. And Wen Jia, because of this cooperation, lost a lot of money.

The two families were greatly hurt, and the rest of the family saw this and took the opportunity to mercilessly annexed a lot of their business.

Gradually, just because of a wrong decision, the Wen family fell from a first-rate family to a third-rate.

In their frustration, Su Yan and He Jinnian's grand wedding was held.

This wedding, which has been attracting attention since they got engaged two years ago, has been exposed by the media. The wedding took place in a castle in the city, with a carpet of flowers, feathers and crystals. The streamer-like lights poured down like a waterfall, and the whole wedding was like a call in a dream.

Beautiful to the extreme.

"Dear Mr. He, you are about to marry the lady opposite you. In the future, no matter the wind and rain, poverty and wealth, disease and health, adversity and prosperity, you must sincerely love her and take care of her for the rest of your life. You are willing to ?"

He Jinnian looked at Su Rou, who was wearing a wedding dress, beautiful and unreal, and thought of her confession two years ago.

Even if she has many imperfections and a willful and indulgent personality, so what.

He suddenly laughed, looked deeply into Su Ro's eyes, and nodded, "Yes, I will always."

"Then the groom can kiss the bride now." The emcee smiled and exited the stage. At this moment, the stage was for the newlyweds.

There was thunderous applause from the audience, and in the simulated 3D light effect, a unicorn with wings came over the clouds.

He Jinnian's heart beat faster, Su Yan looked at him like this, stretched out his hand to grab his collar in a funny way, stood on tiptoe and kissed him actively.


Su Yan has accompanied He Jinnian all his life in that world. Both of them are proud, but they are willing to grind their edges and corners for each other.

Occasionally there will be friction, but in the end, the friction will always be broken by the little romance created by He Jinnian.

The relationship between the two is getting better and better, and even if they have children later, it will not affect them.

Su Rou finally understood why she could never get involved in the emotional world of her parents.

Of course, her parents love her, but compared to the relationship between life and death in thousands of worlds, it really seems too small.

In fact, sometimes, Su Yan feels that although parents are two separate individuals. But in fact, they have already crossed life and death, and their souls have merged into one.

With just one look, you can know what the other person is thinking and what they need.

And now, she is repeating the path her mother took.

As for the future?

Su Yan let go of her hand and watched as the fluorescent light merged into the container, and finally turned into a ball of starlight.

She smiled. As for whether she was as lucky as her mother, she was not in a hurry and could find the answer slowly.

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