Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1079 The Sturdy Wife and Pretty Scholar 5

The two women, Wen Shuyan came back every day, wishing to lock themselves in the room.

Su Rou took a hot bath before she felt alive. However, the original body followed his father around and he was in good health, so after taking a hot bath and drinking a bowl of ginger soup, there was no discomfort in his body.

She sighed, her face was flushed red by the hot water, but her skin was white and tender, like freshly baked buns, steaming hot and exuding a tempting smell.

Wen Shuyan was lighting the lamp, when he heard the footsteps and turned his head, he met Su Yan's charming little face.

She has a pair of almond eyes, her eyes are dark and bright, as if she will never be troubled. Her nose and cherry lips are raised, her eyebrows are like a distant mountain, her face is pink and white, and her dimples are deeply sunken.

Wen Shuyan blushed and lowered his head suddenly.

He had never seen Su Yan like this. Ever since Mother Wen brought her back, in order to avoid suspicion, Wen Shuyan got into his room after dinner and did not come out. Then, before dawn, I got up and went to the academy to take a class. After careful calculation with Su Yan, I hadn't seen each other a few times.

But today, he couldn't help thinking of what Mother Wen said to him.

She is beautiful and can read and write. Why don't you try to get along with her?

"Xianggong, what are you doing?" The crisp voice suddenly pulled back his thoughts.

Wen Shuyan regained his senses, and his face suddenly turned even redder. He hurriedly looked away, but because he was close, the heat on Su Rou's body, as well as the refreshing smell of acacia, burrowed into his nose uncontrollably.

He stared blankly at the candle on the table.

It was as if his legs were nailed to the ground, and he even forgot to dodge it, letting Su Yan get closer and closer.

"Huh? Xianggong, why are you blushing? Could it be that you've caught a cold outside and become hot?"

Saying so, a soft little hand gently pressed against his forehead.

But Wen Shuyan always felt that her hands were surprisingly hot.

Only then did he react, and he pushed her away, as if avoiding the flood and beasts, and quickly jumped to the side far away.

Dan Fengyan, who had been cold and calm, was no longer calm.

His eyes flickered, and he looked at Su Yan disapprovingly, "You, don't always move, so if you meet a man you like in the future, how should you explain it to him?"

Seeing his serious appearance, Su Yan smiled and showed a row of white teeth. Her eyes were curved, and her voice sounded like the ringing of a silver bell when she laughed.

The narrow-minded Chong Wen Shuyan blinked, "I have a man I like, is it possible that my husband doesn't know?"

She deliberately lowered her voice, as if she was coquettish, and loved her very much.

Wen Shuyan was taken aback, "Who?"

Although he always said that he didn't like Su Yan, let her go to find happiness if she has someone she likes.

But for some reason, when he heard this sentence at this moment, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Is this what she keeps saying she likes?

Not long ago, she held her hand and said that she was happy with him!

"Tsk, don't you know that Xianggong? I thought you knew!"

Su Yan glanced at him strangely, and pointed at Wen Shuyan with a smile, "Of course it's you, Xianggong~ What a fool!"


Being scolded for no reason, Wen Shuyan opened his mouth, unable to say a complete sentence.

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