Male God, a Little Su

1088 The sturdy wife and pretty scholar 14

Hearing this, Wen Shuyan glanced at her coolly, "Isn't everything thanks to you?"

"Xianggong is blaming me for this?" Su Yan blinked, pretending to be innocent: "I beat you for your own good, you see, even my mother said I did the right thing—"

Wen Shuyan: "Heh..."

Can't tell you, can he shut up?

After rubbing for a quarter of an hour, Wen Shuyan felt that his face was unconscious, and Su Yan was willing to let him go.

Today, I have to go to the academy, Su Yan took two more eggs and stuffed it into his book bag, and said to him: "You can study at ease in the academy, if anyone dares to laugh at your face, come back and tell me, and I will help you. …”

"You still want to hit someone?" Wen Shuyan stared.

Su Yan paused, waved his hand and smiled: "Xiang Gong, what are you talking about? Am I that kind of person?!"

Wen Shuyan stared, obviously not believing her, and his thoughts were almost written on his face, properly: I don't believe you!

Su Yan rolled her eyes, "I just told you not to hold anything in your heart. If you are wronged in the academy, you can come back and tell me. Between husband and wife, there is nothing to hide."

She spoke calmly and gracefully.

Wen Shuyan paused, opened his mouth and retorted, "Who is your husband and wife—"


Su Yan smiled and patted his shoulder.

He said earnestly: "Xiang Gong, this is your life, just admit it, you can't escape."

Wen Shuyan was sent out the door, and the last sentence Su Yan said continued to appear in his mind, accept his fate?

Why is this woman so difficult to deal with, Wen Shuyan smiled bitterly.

He took out the two eggs in the book bag, which were hot, as if something warmed his heart all the way.

He couldn't help but grab Su Yan's hand, put the egg back into her hand, and left without turning his head, his tone was very light, "I'm a man, I don't need these things. You and mother eat it alone. ."

Holding the egg, Su Yan watched Wen Shuyan get on the village's bullock cart, and her figure disappeared quickly.

She hummed, "Hard mouth!"

He clearly cares, but he always looks indifferent.

She ate one egg and gave the rest to Mother Wen.

Mother Wen was taken aback, "This egg..."

"Oh, it was given by my husband. He said we were too thin. He is a man, and the eggs should be left to us to make up our bodies."

Wen Shuyan didn't say anything, it was Su Yan's own understanding.

Mother Wen held the egg, and her eyes suddenly turned red.

This cheap mother-in-law is really sentimental...

Su Yan shook her head and turned back to the house.

The original father left her little and not expensive. Most of them are cinnabar with yellow talismans, as well as compass and other worthless items.

Now that the poor in the family can't open the pot, she naturally wants to find a way to make money.

As for the talisman, Su Yan had learned from the strange old man before, and with the memory of the original body, it was not difficult to draw some talismans.

After washing her hands, Su Yan locked herself in the room. She didn't wake up like a dream until Mother Wen called her to eat at noon. She stretched lazily and smiled slightly at the talismans on the table.

After lunch, Su Yan told Mother Wen and took advantage of the ox cart in the village to go to the county.

Arriving outside the city, Su Yan got off the ox cart, and agreed with the old man who was driving the car when she would meet here, and she went into the city with her own baggage.

After finding a lively place, Su Rou spread the prepared piece of cloth on the ground.

The peddlers around her had already looked at her secretly when she came over.

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