Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1101 The Sturdy Wife and Pretty Scholar 27

He looks like a giant, half a head taller than Wen Shuyan. Not to mention that he is used to rough work and is full of tendons. A weak scholar like Wen Shuyan is incomparable to him. Now that spring has just started, he has changed into a thin short shirt, but Wen Shuyan is still afraid of the cold, wearing a long shirt and a long robe with wide sleeves.

The belt outlines his thin waist, making him more tall and straight, with a cold temperament.

It seemed that he could ride the wind away in the blink of an eye, looking at Wen Wei, but this look was a little scary.

"Heh..." Wen Shuyan's eyes were clear, as if he had seen Wang Dazhuang's inner thoughts a long time ago, he said lightly: "Brother Dazhuang, in a word, this matter has nothing to do with my wife, and I wasn't joking with you just now. I suspect that my wife cursed your mother, why don't you think about how many unfortunate things she has done? Maybe this is retribution?"

After that, he glanced at Wang Dazhuang with a half-smile, turned and walked towards his house.

At this moment, Su Yan's crisp voice sounded in the yard, "Master, come back for dinner!"

That voice is full of vigor, where is it like what Wen Shuyan said, crying and looking for short-sightedness?

Wang Dazhuang froze in place, looked at Wen Shuyan with mixed feelings, walked back to his house quietly, and closed the door.

Cut off all sight.

This motherfucker, like looking for life and death? What about fools? !

Now even Brother Yan will lie, opening and closing every truth. Seeing that Wen Shuyan was not so salty or indifferent, so he was speechless, Wang Dazhuang was so angry that he was going to die.

But he doesn't know why, but he always feels that Wen Shuyan is a person who hides important things in his heart. In addition to the turbulent meal yesterday afternoon, he was going to report to the official and beat people. Today, his mother started to have bad luck.

To be honest, Wang Dazhuang is also afraid.

He was afraid that he would be as unlucky as her mother, and was that bad luck something ordinary people could have? Go out and fall into the cesspool, stay at home, you can step on the chicken shit and fall on the horse, breaking your arm. Then at night eating, drinking saliva almost choked to death.

He sighed and didn't dare to look for trouble no matter how unwilling he was.

Wang Dazhuang went back to his house in dejection. When his daughter-in-law saw him coming back, she looked up and didn't ask anything. If the Queen Mother broke her arm, who would be the happiest would be Wang Dazhuang's daughter-in-law.

She was bullied, beaten and scolded by her mother-in-law all day long. Compared with other daughters-in-law, she was already hard-working enough. The mother-in-law was a little unhappy, and she lost in a quarrel with others, and she had to trouble her when she came back.

And this husband, watching all day, was unwilling to say a word to her at all.

She hated the mother and son to death now.

When the Queen Mother saw Wang Dazhuang coming back, she was overjoyed and quickly stepped forward and asked, "How? Did she promise to spare me this time?"

Seeing his mother's expectant look, Wang Dazhuang shook his head, "No, I didn't even go in the door, so I was sent away."

Not only that, but he was also intimidated by Wen Shuyan for a while, but he was really frightened.

It's humiliating to say this, Wang Dazhuang wouldn't say it.

"What?! She still dares to take Joe? Believe it or not, I will shake her out of this sorcery and tell her that she can't stay in Peach Blossom Village?!"

The Queen Mother was very angry, and the other one was pinched at the waist.

Wang Dazhuang's eyelids jumped when he heard the words, "Mother--"

Born! Brin's new book is born~! The heroine is a violent little crying bag and a squeamish baby. Currently, she needs your collection and recommendation tickets so she can thrive! So, all my aunts and aunts, please go and see the baby, the baby is super cute, really!

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