Male God, a Little Su

1157 Uncle's Little Ones 1

When Su Rou woke up again, she was sitting in a room transformed from a storage room.

A bed and a small desk can't hold anything else. At this time, the quilt on the bed had been put away, and a suitcase was placed at the door.

She raised her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror. The complexion is pale, and she is very thin. She can see the obvious bulging bones under her collarbone when she pulls the collar slightly.

In the mirror was the face of a young girl, about eighteen years old. He is pale in appearance, with only a pair of large eyes. However, due to malnutrition and his own personality, he appears gloomy and unpleasant.

Those deep pupils seemed to be unable to penetrate light, and they looked so tight.

"Rouge~ Have you packed up yet? Your Uncle Cheng is already waiting for you outside~" At this moment, a middle-aged woman's voice sounded outside the door. Showing a concerned look. Listening to it makes people feel uncomfortable, but only feels full of vitriol.

"44, send the memory."

Su Yan held her forehead, her head felt dizzy for a while, and then countless memories flooded into her mind.

The people outside didn't seem to dare to force her, and soon there was no movement.

So, Su Roan received the memory of this body with peace of mind.

The original Su Yan was a well-off girl. Her parents ran a small restaurant. She had only one daughter, so she was very fond of her. But when she was ten years old, the gas tank in the restaurant exploded, and all the guests who ate at the time were spared and all died.

In the end, all the deposits that the Su family had accumulated were taken to compensation, and the house and restaurant they lived in were also mortgaged, but it was still not enough to repay.

But the person is already dead, although it was finally found out that someone sold the fake gas tank to the Su family, which is not safe in itself. At that time, a batch of substandard products was also seized. But at that time, the person in charge ran away and has not been found so far. How much money can a few small heads be caught?

The ten-year-old Hara was kicked around by relatives, usually with a football. This one was raised for two days, and the other one lived for two days.

If it wasn't for some kind-hearted people who helped her and recovered part of the compensation for her, her uncle's family would not want to support her at all.

For eight full years, she lived in the storage room at home, and started working when she came to this home. Washing clothes, cooking, stepping on stools if you are not tall enough.

And the daughter of the uncle's family always targets her, and even spread rumors in the school that her parents were murderers and carried many lives on their backs. There are also the children of the guests who were in trouble at the time, who came to trouble her from time to time.

Due to school violence, Yuan Shi, who had just finished his first year of high school, dropped out of school. She was also excluded from going out to work because her grade was not enough. In this way, the original character became a little withdrawn and inferior.

In the end, he got depression. After being bullied by his sister again one day, he jumped downstairs and ended his short life.

In fact, she could have waited a little longer, because it was today.

If it wasn't for Su Yan just in time, the original body would sit quietly in the room for a few minutes before going out and jumping off the building.

She almost walked on the front foot, and the person who came to pick her up arrived.

"Rouge, rouge? This kid, shouldn't he be doing stupid things in there?"

The woman's fearful guess, the more she thought about it, the more she felt it was possible.

"Step aside--"

The man's hoarse voice sounded faintly, revealing endless coldness.

Su Yan moved her eyes and slowly turned her head away.

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