Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1166 Uncle's little boy 10

The wallpaper is a girlish pink with very low saturation, so it doesn't look aesthetically fatigued.

The home is all white, with light European-style dressers, wardrobe desks, and a full-length mirror that is essential for girls.

Every decoration reveals the intention.

A candlestick in the style of a crystal crown, with a small incense candle in it. The floor lamp is in the shape of a brown bear, and there is a unicorn with small wings on the table.

The wind blew in from the half-opened window, and the off-white gauze curtain with lace embroidery swayed gently. The house was originally very big, but it was separated by Xu Xiaowu thoughtfully. Half of it was used as a study, and the other half was a small nest that belonged to Su Yan.

It is full of things, just walk in and feel surrounded by peace of mind.

This kind of caring is Cheng Zeguang, I'm afraid I can't think of it.

It belongs to the bottom of a girl's heart, especially soft.

"Hey~ I like it~ I designed this! Hehe," Xu Xiaowu turned his head with a grin, and when he saw the reddish eye circles of the girl beside him, his smile suddenly subsided, and he said at a loss: " Why are you crying, don't you like it? If you don't like it, let's change it, don't cry..."

In fact, Xu Xiaowu had always hated girls who cried and cried at every turn. When he was in the orphanage, he had already shed all his tears.

But the girl in front of her was different. She was only discharged from the hospital, and she had not grown two taels of meat on her body. Her skin was as white as transparent, so when she was holding tears, the reddish circles around her eyes and the tip of her nose looked especially pitiful.

Especially Xu Xiaowu knew what happened to her, so he couldn't get angry with her.

"What's wrong?"

Cheng Zeguang walked in quickly, and frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

"Why are you crying? Did she bully you?"

He glanced at Xu Xiaowu, walked to Su Yan, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with his fingers.

Xu Xiaowu was innocent, "Brother, I was wronged—"

Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly hugged.

The girl's body has a fresh fragrance, clean and soft.


Her glutinous voice was somewhat hoarse, but her tone was full of sincerity and excitement.

Xu Xiaowu was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, he also hugged Su Yan with his backhand, smiling like a fool, carefree.

"Hey, thank you. Let me tell you, my elder sister is studying interior design, so your bedroom should be used for practice. If you don't like it, just say it, and we can change it at any time!"

Because the bedroom will be used soon, the color of the walls is changed. Xu Xiaowu chooses the best wallpaper on the market. After getting it done in a week, I cleaned it up again and sprayed it with a fragrant perfume.

Welcome Su Yan back.

There is nothing more gratifying than getting a sincere thanks for your efforts.

Cheng Zeguang laughed angrily, looked at the hand that was thrown away, and tutted softly.

"Am I bad to you? How can I just thank her alone?"

His tone was sour, and he looked like two girls as one person.

Is this still the one who came back with him and pulled him in the car without letting go?

Xu Xiaowu's smug little tail is about to go up, "Of course you don't understand the feelings between girls!"

There is really a magnetic field between people, which is also doomed to have deep friendship with each other. But within a few days, the relationship between the two has grown by leaps and bounds, and they have become good sisters.

Let Cheng Zeguang think about it, no wonder it's not the taste.

"Okay, stop hugging."

Cheng Zeguang couldn't stand it anymore, he turned around and walked towards the kitchen, without looking back, he instructed Xu Xiaowu, "I called the supermarket to deliver the ingredients, and I'll open the door when I hear the doorbell."

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