Male God, a Little Su

1171 Uncle's little boy 15

Su Yan held the lid, and the heat enveloped her brows and eyes, making her look more and more clean and dusty.

Just then, several girls walked over together.

When he saw Su Yan, he paused for two seconds, as if he was looking at her, and when he was sure it was her, he sneered.

"Yo? Isn't this Su Yan? Am I dazzled? To see you here?"

The girl covered her mouth and laughed. Seeing that Su Yan was silent, she stepped forward and pushed her.


Su Yan's hands were unstable, and the water she hadn't finished poured directly over her, the lid fell to the ground, and rolled out far away.

Xu Xiaowu was caught off guard and had no time to stop it.

When she reacted, she quickly took out a tissue to wipe the water off her body, "Rouge, how is it? Is it hot?"

Su Yan shook her head, her lips pale.

Fingers trembled slightly.

Seeing this scene, what else did Xu Xiaowu not understand? I'm afraid it's these idiots, she was rouge in the school violence at the beginning!

She gritted her teeth, and when her eyes fell on Su Ro's collar, the piece of red skin, her suppressed temper exploded instantly.

"Why don't you talk? Haha is so cowardly!"

"The daughter of a murderer, of course not qualified~"

Several girls were still talking and laughing, surrounding Su Yan, not taking Xu Xiaowu seriously at all.

At this moment, Xu Xiaowu slammed the cup and scolded.

"Fuck! Who the hell are you talking about?! You like bullying, don't you? You like school violence, don't you? Come and come, my mother will play with you!"

She walked over in three or two steps, grabbed the head girl's long hair, and pressed her directly to the ground.

"Bang bang bang" knocked on the ground several times in a row.

There are more and more people watching the lively around.

Several girls were terrified. They didn't expect such a ruthless character by Su Yan's side.

But let them leave their friends and run away, wouldn't that be a shame? In the dilemma, Xu Xiaowu has already made a choice for them.

Raise your hand to grab your hair, and then pump it to your face.

Specially slap in the face, hit the most painful part of the body.

Completely red eyes.

Su Yan closed her eyes, and saw the first girl covered her head and got up from the ground, obviously getting angry too.

He gritted his teeth and scolded, "Give me a fucking hug, I don't believe a few of us can't beat her! We'll fight her today! Fuck! The bitch dares to beat me, do you know who my dad is?!"

She is obviously the eldest sister among several people. As soon as the words fell, someone immediately rushed up and hugged Xu Xiaowu's waist regardless of Xu Xiaowu's horror.

Xu Xiaowu struggled and was beaten several times.

At this moment, a hoarse, endlessly fierce voice sounded.

"Let go of her!"

"Oh! Su, Su Yan, how dare you!"

Xu Xiaowu was stunned for a moment, and everyone was stunned, and looked at the sound.

I don't know when Su Rou, who was sitting in the same place, had already grabbed the head of the girl's hair. Her fingers were so hard that they turned white, and the other wrist went around the girl's neck, strangling her tightly.

While the girl struggled, she scratched bloodstains on her arm, which made Xu Xiaowu feel distressed.

"Rouge, don't interfere, my sister can handle it."

"Fuck! If you don't give a damn about your paws, I'll kill you!!"

Su Yan's body was already weak, and she had to use all her strength to control the girl.

"Su Yan, you fucking let me go—er—"

Before he finished speaking, Su Yan's strength tightened again.

There was a dim light in her jet-black pupils, and her tightly pursed lips showed a desperate gamble.

"Let go of her, otherwise, I, kill, kill, you—"

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