Male God, a Little Su

1206 The Wife and the Master 1

"Su Yan! Su Yan, wake up! Your little Langjun's family has brought someone to the door! If you don't get up, the roof will be torn off!"

Su Yan felt that someone was shaking her body desperately, she groaned and slowly opened her eyes.

There are dilapidated and messy pictures around, gray furniture, leaking windows, and cobwebs in the corners of the roof. Seeing that there is no smell of home, no one will doubt that there is no one living in such a place.

But now, someone told her that this is her home?

She shook her head, propped herself up and sat up, squinting her eyes and asked, "What's going on?"

As soon as the words came out, her brows furrowed even tighter.

He raised his hand and pulled his sleeve to smell it, then heaved a sigh of relief, almost not fainting from the soaring alcohol.

"Oh, you're drinking and drinking! Oh, you're lucky, but why don't you know how to cherish it? You finally got married with a handsome man, but you beat him in a blink of an eye? But it's good, his family is not an ordinary family, this time you will have bad luck!!"

"Marry?" What the hell?

Su Yan held her forehead, her head was blank.

"Of course it is to marry, otherwise, why can't you marry him? Don't let people laugh when it spreads?"

"Hurry up and think of a way, if you really can't, hide first!"

"Sister! Where is my elder sister? Oh, why are you still here! Hurry up and follow me! This place can't stay, you hide for now!"

At this moment, a young girl rushed in quickly, dragged Su Yan and pushed open the dilapidated window without any explanation, pushed her out, and then dragged her and ran away.

Su Yan's head was as big as an ox, and he instructed with a sullen face: [Pass the memory to me first. 】

The world is so inexplicable, she must understand the background of this world.

[Okay, please pay attention to the host, the transmission of memory begins——]

Su Yan's footsteps suddenly stopped, and her eyes became dazed.

Seeing this, Su Miao stomped her feet anxiously, "Oh, sister, you will drop the chain at the critical moment!!" As she said, she dragged Su Yan into the grove with great effort.

But she didn't know that at this time, her elder sister had already changed.

Su Yan also learned from memory that she came to ancient times again, but this dynasty had never appeared in history. That's all, and its background in the world is that women are respected and men are humble!

Women dominate the outside, men dominate the interior. Women can show their faces and lead the army to fight, but men can only be at home with their husbands and children. Moreover, like those dynasties Su Yan knew, these men had to follow the three obediences and four virtues, and their reputations were beyond the sky. They can only marry one husband in their lifetime, but the wife can have three husbands and four servants at the same time.

And the original body is an ordinary gangster who can no longer be ordinary. I haven't been to school for a few days, and all day long, I say that I can see ghosts and communicate with ghosts and spirits. Occasionally, she can deceive one or two money flowers, and she is the type of person who has no color and no courage, and likes to go to the small shop to drink flower wine. The money you make is often spread out before it's heated up.

As a result, the place where she lives is still in tatters, and it is cloudy when it arrives. It was raining outside, and it was raining inside her house.

She has no parents and no mother since she was a child, she has only one sister who depends on each other, and a large group of relatives who are superb.

When she was a child, she took her sister to eat and drink from this family. If it is bigger, it will rely on cheating and cheating to eat and drink.

The new plane is here, it's the female respect~ But Brin has never seen the female respect, and he doesn't know how to write it, so it's just according to Brin's ideas~~

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