Male God, a Little Su

1208 The Wife and the Master 3

Su Miao was stunned, guilt flashed in her eyes, and murmured, "But what can we do?"

They are just ordinary people.

Even if women are respected in this world, Lan Huaixu is the young son of the Hou Mansion, with golden branches and jade leaves, which are made of real gold and silver. It's not her elder sister, a market scoundrel, who can get her hands on it.

Her head was in a mess when she suddenly heard a sound similar to pheasant crowing nearby.

Looking up, she found that her elder sister stopped walking at an unknown time, bent down and picked up a stone from the ground, threw it up and down in her hand, and then suddenly threw it with lightning speed.


With a sound of breaking the air, Shi Zi shot the pheasant with only colorful feathers into the air.

The pheasant didn't even have time to scream, and fell to the ground dead.

Su Miao's eyes widened, as if she didn't know Su Yan.

"Sister, when did you learn such a skill?"

Su Yan strode over, bent over and grabbed the wings to pick up the pheasant with its drooping head, and said with a smile, "I learned it in my last life, okay?"

After she finished speaking, she left without looking back.

Su Miao: "..."

When it was over, her elder sister became more and more insane, and now she has a previous life.

My God, how are you going to live in the future?


When Su Yan returned, the door had already been kicked open.

The yard was turned over in a mess, the water tanks were smashed, and the water dripped all over the floor.

Pots and pans in the kitchen were also thrown out, and a group of neighbors watched.

At first, I saw that Su Yan, this little gangster, was lucky enough to marry the young son of Hou Ye's family. He was as beautiful as a flower, and he also carried a large box of dowry.

But in the blink of an eye, this prodigal son was completely defeated, and he even beat up the young man.

Isn't that bad luck?

Pooh! Deserved!

"What about Su Yan? Did you run away?! Find it for me! Our family Xiao Langjun ordered him to teach Su Yan a lesson, and then ask her to take out a letter of Heli!"

At this moment, the person watching the lively felt that someone was patted on the back, turned his head to look, and was shocked.

"How dare you come back? They are looking for you!"

At this time, someone with good deeds immediately shouted, "Su Yan is back! Su Yan is back! She's here!"

The female bodyguards in bunts immediately turned around and walked towards her, "Grab her, don't let her run away!"


Su Yan carried the pheasant and walked in carelessly.

"Don't worry, I didn't want to run at all."

She came back by herself, Su Yan thought it was very simple, she could run for a while but couldn't run for the rest of her life.

Besides, she still wanted to see if Lan Huaixu was her lover.

"Okay! Just come back! Come on, call me!"

I saw someone pulled out a stick and smashed it on Su Yan's head.

Su Yan raised her eyebrows, raised her arm to block it, and the stick broke abruptly.

She lifted her foot and kicked the man out.

"I didn't beat you for nothing when I came back. This is a matter between me and Lan Huaixu. I beat him. If he wants to return, he has to do it himself. What are you?"

Su Yandan glanced at her phoenix eyes, her eyes burning.

"Wow! How dare you fight back!"

The leader was immediately annoyed and waved his hand, "Let's go together! Even if you have three heads and six arms today, don't even think about retreating!"

Su Yan was funny, she held the pheasant in one hand and easily dodged those attacks.

No hands, only feet—

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