Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1215 The Wife Master Is Above 10

Huo Fei smiled embarrassingly, "Exactly! Two, our Mr. Su's body is not very good, so he was born thinner, please forgive me."

Su Yan randomly picked a seat and sat down, looking directly at the two of them.

Ask directly: "Who is going to tell the fortune?"

One of the two, a stout woman, frowned, looked at her companion, and finally said, "It's me."

But in his heart, he no longer believed in Huo Fei and Su Yan. He just thought that he had encountered a liar, and wanted to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Su Yan nodded, "What do you want to ask? Tell me."

The woman was stunned, "Let me introduce myself first, my surname is Di, Di Siyang. But, do you do fortune-telling, don't you use oracle bones and copper coins?"

This is too unreliable, right? Even if you are deceiving, you have to pretend to be a little bit like it!

Huo Fei was also dumbfounded, and bumped into Su Yan secretly: Where are your things?

Su Yan raised her hand calmly, "I didn't bring it."

Di Siyang stood up immediately, and sneered, "It seems that he is just a charlatan, I thought he was some kind of expert. No oracle bones, no copper coins, what kind of hexagrams and fates are you divining? Sister, let's go!"

"Hey two, don't worry—"

"What's so difficult about it?"

Su Yan sat there lazily, holding hot tea slowly, and looked at the two of them.

"This fortune-telling includes a lot of things. You can look at the appearance, feel the bones, the four pillars of fate, and the six pillars of feng shui prediction. It only depends on whether you are looking for wealth and life, or whether you have a rich future."

Di Siyang paused, and exchanged glances with his sister.

"Divination is about fate. Since I have a destiny with you, then I will show my hands. Please sit down—"

The woman's voice is low and hoarse, and her unhurried attitude can easily calm down the impetuous mood.

Di Siyang thought for a while, and came all the time, so he simply sat down and saw what this man was trying to sell.

"Okay, then I'll wait! But the ugly words are up front, if you dare to play with us, then the two of us sisters will let you know that our tricks are not just for fun!"

Huo Fei was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he wanted to die.

Su Yan is crazy!

"Are you two from the north? Do you both have families? Well, it seems that there are still a lot of peach blossoms outside," Su Yan chuckled, her eyes lowered lazily, holding a peanut in her hand to play with , "But I advise you two, no matter how nice the outside is, it is not as good as the caring at home. Only your own husband will really take your safety into consideration."

Di Siyang narrowed his eyes, "How do you say that?"

"It won't work if you talk too much about this kind of thing. I suggest you two go back and investigate the people you raised outside. You can always find out."

Di Siyang's older sister, Di Simin, frowned, "This kind of thing, anyone who has something to do with it can be investigated, and no matter how bad it is, we can rely on guesswork. How can we trust you?"

Besides, she liked the little lover she raised, and even thought of retiring her husband and marrying another.

"When you were twenty-four years old, did you have a bloody disaster? Then your sister blocked it for you? You almost lost your life, but you can never have children again."


Di Siyang stood up abruptly, undecided in panic.

"Sister, how does she know—"

"Ayang, sit down first!" Di Simin frowned and sighed, "Mr. has good eyesight, you can continue."

Su Yan smiled, "Speaking of which, your sister is really a model of ill-fated fate and many disasters. Are you planning to go by water when you go back this time?"

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