Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1222 The wife is the master 17

They are not short of money, and problems that can be solved with money are not a problem!

After they heard Su Yan's words yesterday, they immediately launched an investigation quietly after returning home.

It turned out that the deputy who had been with them for ten years actually colluded with someone this time and wanted to kill them!

"Sir, please sit down!"

"Tea, sir—"

The two sisters courted Su Yan for a while, and they were extraordinarily gracious in bringing Su Yan tea and water.

After Su Yan took advantage of them one by one, she finished her breakfast.

Sister Di couldn't wait a long time ago, but knowing that she is a person with real talent and learning, naturally she didn't dare to disturb her. After she finished eating, Di Simin rubbed her hands together and asked her doubts.

"Mr. said yesterday that the two of us had a bloody disaster. Now that the thief has been caught, I wonder if we have escaped from this disaster?"

Su Yan smiled and said nothing, the two looked at each other, feeling more and more uneasy.

"Also please help sir!"

Di Siyang immediately took out the banknotes he had prepared earlier from his pocket, and offered them in full. Judging by the thickness, it was several thousand taels.

Su Yan took it, and curled her lips in satisfaction, "You two are welcome."

Seeing her accept it, the two breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I heard Su Yan say: "This is the catastrophe of your fate. Originally, the two of you are rich and powerful. Although the wanderings in the world are dangerous, they are not fatal. You can survive by luck. But you have accumulated a family. After retiring, I abandoned the chaff, and even thought about bringing the outer room into the house. Think about it carefully, when you first got married, were you lucky?"

The two sisters thought about it carefully, then nodded again and again, "Yes, exactly!"

"During that time, everything we did went smoothly, and we started to make a fortune from then on."

"That's it." Su Yan took a sip of tea, "Your husbands are all prosperous wives. As long as you treat them well, you will naturally be safe and prosperous for the rest of your life."


"If you still don't believe me, I have two talismans here. You should keep them with you. They can save your life in times of crisis."

Su Yan pulled out two talismans from her bosom, and pushed them in front of the two.

After getting rid of the Di sisters, Su Yan not only earned a few thousand taels, but also got a lot of unsold rare gadgets from them.

Quills, binoculars, and a small pocket watch.

For the rest, there are pearls, mercury mirrors, etc. Su Yan didn't want them.

Although in this world, women are respected, but she doesn't want to treat her lover as a woman, they are equal. From the elegant incense in his room to the books on his desk, it can be seen that he is an ambitious person. He was not willing to just stay in the attic for the rest of his life and then marry hastily.

These, he will definitely like.

After receiving the money, Su Yan quickly found a well-informed person to inquire, and learned that there was a yard for sale on the South Street.

It is said that it is because there are dirty things in the house. The owner of the yard is a man who loves himself as much as his life, but he will be haunted by nightmares every night, and the servants around him will also fall ill one after another. No.

I asked a master to exorcise evil spirits, but it was of no use at all.

Over time, they didn't dare to live anymore, so they planned to sell and move to other places.

But this house has been hung up for two or three months. When others hear that it is a ghost house, how can they dare to buy it?

So, wouldn't this make Su Yan cheaper?

A house with a pond, a small garden and three courtyards actually only cost Su Yan three thousand taels in the end.

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