Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1225 The wife is the master 20

It's strange to say that the location of this house is so good, just turn a corner and you will find the downtown area. But as soon as he walked in, it was chilly inside, and a gust of wind blew over. The scared Uncle Su screamed and hid behind Aunt Su.

Seeing this, his wife sneered, "Excellent!"

Aunt Su glanced at her coolly, and then she calmed down.

A group of people continued to walk in, Su Miao was terrified, and couldn't look carefully at night, all kinds of shadows fell on the ground, faintly.

The moonlight was shining, and it was pale.

"Ah, sister... is this really a haunted house?"

"What are you doing to lie to you? If there is no problem, do you really think I can afford it?"

The further they walked in, the more uneasy they felt, as if something was about to happen.


At this moment, a gust of wind swept over, rolled up the fallen leaves on the ground, and the lanterns hanging under the eaves swayed with the wind.

"Ah!" Su Miao hugged her bag tightly in fright.

Uncle Su tightly clenched Aunt Su's arm, bit his lip, his face turned pale, "Let's, let's go, I see it's very gloomy inside."

"Go...what are you going to do! Let's see again!"

Unwilling to give up at this point, Aunt Su bit her bullet and walked in.

At this moment, a white figure swooped past them.

"Ahh!! What is that!"

"Have you seen that shadow..."

Uncle Su's lips trembled in fright, and he pointed at the place where the white shadow appeared just now, his eyes tearing apart.

Su Yan curled her lower lip unrecognizably, and turned her head, "See, a white shadow, right? Well, it seems to have long hair, is it a female ghost? In this deep house compound, there are countless people who died unjustly. But Who told us to be poor? If we can live in peace with them, there is nothing wrong with it, what do you think, uncle?"

Su Miao was so frightened that she sat down on the ground, looked at her elder sister tremblingly, and thought that she was really brave.

If she couldn't walk, she would have run away long ago.

She would rather live in a dilapidated house than live with ghosts!

Aunt Su just flashed her eyes and didn't see clearly, she pursed her lips, "Don't talk nonsense, where are the gods, gods, ghosts and ghosts in this world!!"

Before she finished speaking, the wind blew from the back of her neck, as if something was blowing on her back.

The hairs on her back stood up, and she heard Uncle Su trembling in her ear with a tone that was so frightened that she almost lost her voice: "You, look behind..."

Aunt Su turned her head quickly.

Pupil constriction.

Behind them, there were a few clusters of will-o'-the-wisps floating, the blue color was icy cold.

"Ahhhhhh ghost!!"

At this moment, several people could not calm down for an instant.

What yard are you looking at? What mansion do you live in?

It's important to escape! !

Seeing them running away, Uncle Su was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he fell hard on the ground.

But he didn't dare to cry out the pain at all, so he got up and continued to run.


Su Yan was overjoyed, she curled her lips and snapped her fingers, "Okay, go in and light the lights, let's stay here tonight."

"Ah, sister..."

Seeing those will-o'-the-wisps, Su Miao wanted to die. She was so sad that she couldn't move.

"Let's, let's go too, there are dirty things in this place!!"

Her eyes wandered, for fear of seeing something frightening.

"Just this thing?"

Su Yan strode over, Su Miao couldn't hold back even if she wanted to.

"Sister, don't!!"

Before he finished speaking, Su Yan slapped the fire away with a few slaps.

Su Miao: "..."

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