Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1231 The wife is the master 26


Lan Qin felt distressed when he saw it, and quickly pulled him up, "You, you, you obviously have bad legs, why kneel all day long?"

She looked displeased and swept towards the two people on the ground.

"Since you are willing to kneel, then kneel well and explain the matter clearly! If there is a mistake, I will not forgive it lightly!"

She fell down word by word, her tone was cold and harsh, without any warmth at all.

Lan Zhengting shrank his neck, opened his mouth and repeated the same sentence, "Lan Huaixu must have stolen it. If you don't believe my mother, you can ask this maid, she said she saw it with her own eyes! Also! Lan Huaixu has always envied the eldest sister to send me a gift. I have a kaleidoscope, usually staring at it like a thief, who knows if he will—"

"So, where is the evidence? Can a servant's words be taken seriously?"

Lan Qin didn't change her face, she ordered someone to bring a chair and let Xiao Langjun sit down.

Seeing this, Lan Zhengting hated him to death.

It's all this vixen, the seduced mother will never go to Daddy's yard again!

Xiao Langjun hooked his lips. He naturally believed in his son. At this moment, he squinted at Lan Zhengting, and his smile deepened.

Sooner or later, he will make Lan Zhengting pay the due price.

And his good dad.

"Mother, is she willing to listen to her son's explanation?" Lan Huaixu slightly raised his eyes, his eyes were clear and clean.

Lan Qin's heart softened, and she felt ashamed of Lan Huaixu.

Because of his marriage, she cruelly married him to a gangster in order to save the face of the Hou family, but he was wronged as a result. This is her favorite son. He has been obedient since he was a child, and he is also smart and pleasant.

Lan Qin was naturally willing to listen.

"Xu'er, tell me, mother makes the decision for you."

"Mother!" Lan Zhengting stared, "How can you be so partial?!"

"Shut up!"

Lan Qin glanced at him coldly, "If you dare to say one more word, I will have your mouth shut! You are so reckless at such a young age, is this what your father taught you?"

Standing beside Xiao Langjun, she was powerful and her face turned cold. It was as if a huge boulder was pressing on Lan Zhengting's body, making him bow his head, not daring to say another word.

Lan Huaixu knelt on the icy ground, with only the courage to put everything in her heart.

"I do have a kaleidoscope here, but it's not the big brother's."

"Oh?" Lan Zhengting laughed, thinking that Lan Huaixu was really stupid, didn't he just call himself out? "Then tell me, where did you get this thing?"

The elder sister was still a small gadget that was bought at a high price from a sea merchant with great difficulty. He, Lan Huaixu, a bastard, can still get in touch with these?

Even if he comes across it, does he have the money to buy it?

Lan Qin frowned and looked at Lan Huaixu.

She didn't think that this little son would be such a stupid person.

Xiao Langjun's throat tightened, he licked his lips, and said in a deep voice, "Xu'er, keep talking."

"First of all, I want to ask clearly, is there any mark on the kaleidoscope that elder brother mentioned?"

Alan froze for a moment, his eyes began to panic.

She has served Lan Huaixu for so long, so she naturally knows his character. He is the kind of person who is aboveboard and doesn't bother to lie about anything.

It is precisely this character that is not likable in the mansion.

Seeing him like this now, Alan wondered if he was really wrong?

Lan Zhengting didn't even think about it, "The corner of my kaleidoscope was broken, and my mother knew about it."

Lanqin nodded.


Lan Huaixu curled his lips and stood up from the ground, "Unfortunately, mine is intact."

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