Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1239: Wife is the Lord 34


Hearing her domineering remarks, Wei Lian covered her cheeks and reprimanded lightly, "What are you doing in broad daylight!"

"Didn't I hold back? My husband looks really good-looking," Wang Su happily hugged Wei Lian, "When you are well, we will have a child, and we will live our little life behind closed doors." .”

She doesn't want any glory and wealth, and she also has her own business in her hands, and there is no shortage of money. The younger sister will come to inherit the title, so she can naturally protect her.

As long as you think about it, you don't have to do anything every day, and you can see your beloved by your side as soon as you wake up.

That taste, not to mention how beautiful it is.


Wei Lian's heart was moved, and she nodded slightly with a blushing face, "Okay."

He knew that Wang Su had always wanted a child, but they had been married for three years, outsiders didn't know, only he knew it.

For the sake of his health, Wang Su never consummated the house.

This is also the reason why the outside world has been laughing at her. Although she dare not talk nonsense on the surface, in private, no one would say that she is a seed of infatuation and a fool.

For a sick man, he gave up the wealth and power that was at his fingertips.


Su Miao's hands and feet are very agile. In Su Yan's view, although she is not very smart, she is more flexible in her hands and feet.

What she is told to do, she will execute quickly without procrastination.

When Su Yan went back, Su Miao had already bought the servant back.

Three servants, three maids, and a cook and two women who did rough work.

"Sister, how do you see them? If not, I'll buy them again."

Su Miao's eyes were shining brightly, and she didn't think there was anything wrong at all.

This is the case in this era, population can be bought and sold, just like commodities.

Su Yan has long been used to it, she lightly raised her eyelids and glanced over.

As soon as those people came into contact with her sharp gaze, they quickly lowered their heads in fear. I also knew in my heart that this is the master who Su Miao said can be the master of the house.

"I have seen the master."

Suddenly at this time, a short girl about fifteen years old inside hurriedly met her eyes, and knelt down to salute.

As soon as she opened her mouth, the rest of the people reacted, so they knelt down on the floor.

Su Miao patted her head, and then remembered to introduce, "Yes, I almost forgot, you remember! This is the owner of the mansion, you all have to listen to her from now on, you know?"

She stuttered when she spoke, obviously not used to the change of identity.

After all, before yesterday, she was still not much better than these servants, but now she jumped up and aroused the servants?

It's all just like a dream.

Su Yan smiled, her eyes fell on the girl, she raised her chin, "What's your name? The one on the far left."


The girl's eyes are bright, but she is thin and skinny.

Su Miao had an impression of her, and heard that if she couldn't be sold, Ren Yazi would sell her to Hua Lou.

It's similar to those brothels in ancient times, if there are prostitutes, there will naturally be young men.

The so-called feminist society only restrains those who follow the rules. But for those men who lost their wives, but still hold wealth and power, their lives will be much more nourishing.

Su Miao was also moved with compassion, so she bought her back.

In fact, I regretted it after buying it, thinking what such a sick girl can do, don't have to see a doctor for her. After going back, Sister would scold her to death, but the result was different from what she thought. Instead of scolding her, Su Yan even fell in love with her.

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