He couldn't even sleep without her.


Su Miao was drowsy sitting on the stone pier in Hou's mansion. She hadn't closed her eyes for several days.

The concierge came out and saw Su Miao at a glance, she rolled her eyes angrily.

"It's been said that your elder sister is not in the Hou's mansion, what's the use of you coming to the Hou's mansion all day? We can't change someone for you!"

"My sister must be in the Hou Mansion! Anyway, I don't care, I will wait here!"

Su Miao gritted her teeth and refused to show her timidity.

Inexplicably, she believed what Ajie said in her heart. She said she came to the Hou Mansion to see Lan Huaixu, so she must have come.

When she saw Su Yan walk out of the door that night, she had a bad premonition.

Thinking about it now, her elder sister should have been detained by the Hou family, and I don't know if she was wronged.

"All right, all right! Then you can wait whatever you want! Anyway, if you wait for a lifetime, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait!"

"It has nothing to do with you, I'm happy to wait!" Su Miao snorted, stood up and rubbed her sore buttocks.

Just when she was arguing with the concierge, Wang Su was already in a panic.

It's the third day, it's already noon, and Su Yan, who made an appointment with her three days ago to come to Wei Lian to use silver needles to force out the cold, has not yet come.

She sent people to look for it several times, but they all said that there was no one in the house.

"Master, do you think that person will donate money and run away because he can't cure the gentleman?"

"You fart!"

Wang Su was about to burst into tears, her eyeballs were full of bloodshot eyes.

She absolutely refused to believe this nonsense guess, the medicine is useless now, and the symptoms are not cured. In the past three days, Wei Lian's complexion is getting better every day, and he ate a few more meals, which made Wang Su very happy.

I have always been looking forward to today, if it wasn't because Su Yan said that he must eat enough for three days, and he should take care of his body first, Wang Su would have rushed to Su Yan's mansion a long time ago, and tied him up to see a doctor for Wei Lian.

Now I can't find anyone, and I went several times and there was no one.

"Keep looking! Increase the scope of the search, she must be delayed by something!"

The yard cost her three thousand taels, how could she just leave like that.

Moreover, Wei Lian took the medicine and it was indeed effective. Wang Su refused to believe that Su Yan was a liar.

"Hey, master, what should we do now, Mr. Lang is feeling very uncomfortable, and he is coughing again."

"Go get my brand, please come over here! Go on to find Su Yan! I don't believe I can't find her!"

Dig the ground three feet, live to see people and die to see corpses!

She finally had something to look forward to, and she will never give up easily!

"Cough...cough cough..."

There was a rapid coughing sound from the inner room, wishing to cough up all the internal organs.

Wang Su's heart was trembling, she took two deep breaths, slapped herself on the face to make her look better, turned around and walked quickly to the inner room.


Before entering, Wei Lian's weak voice was heard.

"I'm here, I'm here!"

She rushed in quickly and reached out to hold Wei Lian's.

Wei Lian was so skinny, he held Wang Su's hand tightly, and the veins on the back of his hand were bulging.

"I must be ugly now," his face was as white as paper, his lips were chapped and bloody, even so, with a slight smile on his face.

"It's not ugly, I think you look great no matter what you do!" Wang Su's voice was difficult, and she felt as if a big hand was strangling her neck tightly, making her breathless.


Wei Lian bent his eyelids, and coughed a few times after speaking a few words.

"I really can't bear it..."

In the past three days, why hasn't he had the dream of being cured of his illness and being able to stay with Wang Su forever?

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