Male God, a Little Su

1285 Mermaid Anchor 9

04 was stunned for a moment, and released his own detection system.

There was silence for a while.

【44? 】

a long time……

04 frowned, [Strange, why does he also have the breath of soul fragments? 】

Su Yan: [? ? ? 】

She just felt that the breath on the man was very familiar. After all, she had been with her lover in so many worlds, and she could still feel it.

But before that, 04 had told her that the soul fragment was the man she saved last night.

And the breath of that man really made Su Yan feel a touch of closeness.

04 also hesitated in the system space, he paused, and finally could only say: [Master, please wait a moment, let me do a good investigation. 】

Where exactly is the problem.

Is this world scattered with two soul fragments?

Su Yan propped her forehead and smiled softly when she heard the words.


A world of two lovers? How to play it?


Cheng Qian came over with two steaks and put one of them in front of Su Yan.

"I don't know if you need it, but I still want to make it. It's not good to starve such a beautiful girl-"

His face was clean and his temperament abstinent and cold. Sitting opposite Su Yan, she slowly smiled at her, the coldness on her body seemed to melt in an instant, like a spring breeze blowing her face.

Su Yan didn't know how to answer. She smiled shyly, not daring to look into Cheng Qian's eyes, and sincerely thanked, "Thank you, but I'm really full."

She put down the spoon, and there was still half of the egg fried rice left in the bowl.

Cheng Qian laughed, "Is it because I can't eat it? Or you beauties, all rely on diet to keep in shape?"


Su Yan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Cheng Qian embarrassedly, "Why, you are very—" She hollowed out her head and came up with a word she learned in the last year, "You are really handsome!"


This woman is really interesting-

What should I do, suddenly I don't want to give her to Ashu...

Su Yan opened her mouth, and a blush gradually spread on her face.

Is she really funny?

Why is this cold-looking man smiling so happily? He stroked his forehead and smiled, his voice was hoarse and hoarse, and he felt extremely sexy.

Su Yan licked her lips, and was suddenly startled by the enlarged handsome face in front of her.


"Don't be afraid."

The man's cool fingertips landed on the corner of her lips, and said softly, "Hey, there's a grain of rice stuck to your face."


The girl's eyes flickered, her blue eyes like the sea.

She lowered her head in embarrassment and stood up in a panic, "Thank you, I, I'm going to wash the dishes!"

After that, she picked up her bowl and stumbled towards the kitchen.

Therefore, she didn't notice the dark light that flashed in the man's clear eyes.

so cute-

If it is, then please keep it up.

Holding the knife and fork in both hands, he elegantly cut a small piece of steak into his mouth, Cheng Qian rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Well, it tastes good."

Su Yan washed the dishes and dawdled in the kitchen for a long time before coming out slowly.

She glanced upstairs and said cautiously, "Then, is that gentleman's injury okay? Do you really need to go to the hospital to see a doctor?"

Cheng Qian took a sip of red wine slowly and hooked his lips, "This beautiful lady, you have to trust my professionalism. To tell you the truth, I am a doctor."


Su Yan nodded, not feeling any surprise.

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