Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1320 Mermaid Anchor 44

Some fans deleted the photos directly in front of Sheng Jinshu.

There are also those who want to join in the fun. They originally wanted to go forward and get an autograph to sell for money, but they were also stopped by Sheng Jinshu's fans.

When it comes to passers-by who eat melons, their temper is not so good.

One by one, they complained angrily: "What's the matter with you people? We were chasing after us because we were worried about our idols. What are you here for?"

"That's right, don't even see our fans and don't want autographs?"

"If you truly love someone, you must not disturb the idol's private life!"

A girl turned her head, "Brother, hurry up, we'll stop you!"

Sheng Jinshu hooked his lips, nodded slowly, and moved: "Thank you, then I'll go first, see you next time—"

He waved his hand, took two steps back, turned and walked away gracefully.

When he was out of everyone's sight, he slowly let out a breath.

Damn Cheng Qian, wait for Lao Tzu to die!

With a sullen face, he put on his hat and mask again. He couldn't go back to the supermarket, so he had to take a taxi home.

in the supermarket.

Su Yan bought the pork chops, checked the contents of the shopping cart, and said with satisfaction: "It's almost done, then let's go back?"

"it is good."

Cheng Qian nodded and wanted to take the cart in Su Yan's hand, "I'll push it."

"Hey, no need!"

Su Yan hurriedly pushed him away, raised her face and smiled: "It has wheels, but it's not heavy. Don't touch it, it will be uncomfortable to go back."

She pushed the cart and walked briskly towards the cashier.


Cheng Qian clenched his fist against his lips, covering the corners of his lips that were rising.

What should I do, the more I get along, the more I can't bear to let you go to Sheng Jinshu?

He looked at Su Yan's back, and just raised his steps, suddenly his voice was harsh, "Rouge be careful—"


As soon as the reminder fell, someone bumped into her leg from behind.

Su Ro's body suddenly leaned forward, her stomach slammed into the metal cart, her face turned pale.

The crooked legs hurt even more.

"How are you?"

Cheng Qian supported Su Ro in time, pursed his thin lips, and looked badly at the person who bumped into Su Ro.

She is a young girl, about the same age as Su Yan, and she looks good, but her sinister temperament ruins her beauty by ten percent.

"No, it's fine..."

As Su Yan said, cold sweat broke out on her forehead and her lips were white.

The front and back pincers, especially the softest belly, made the intestines seem to be churning together for a while.


He narrowed his eyes, his voice was cold and without a trace of warmth.

"Why should I apologize!"

The girl's back was chilled, but she resisted and refused to apologize.

She gritted her teeth and glared at Su Yan, and snorted coldly, "She hurt our store so badly, it's still light for me to bump her! Just sue me if you can, I'm not afraid anyway!"

"You—a shallow dream?"

When Su Yan heard the familiar voice, she raised her eyes while leaning in Cheng Qian's arms, and saw a small familiar face.

At this time, her face was full of disgust for Su Yan. Qianmeng was considered to be the small boss of Meiqi's family, but she held a very small share and did not usually get involved in the business of the store. Anyway, the monthly dividends would be Enough for her splurge.

But since Su Yan left Meiqi's house, and in front of so many fans in the live broadcast room, she tore her face with them. There are many netizens who started to attack their shops on the grounds that their family was too deceiving.

The return rate has skyrocketed, and there are all kinds of bad reviews and complaints.

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