Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1399 The poignant love story of the head of the dark guard 18

Song Guanzhi's face was calm, his thumb brushed the corner of Su Yan's lips and raised his eyebrows, "They taught you this?"


The woman's bones are born well, her body is tall but her skeleton is slender, and her waist is not full of a grip.

Her long and narrow peach blossom eyes drooped slightly, with a faint blush at the end of her eyes.

With the cold temperament on his body, he is charming without knowing it. The combination of the two temperaments makes her more and more special.

"That alone is not enough."

His thin lips were hooked lightly, and his eyes were filled with the aura of abstinence that no strangers should approach.

The things he said and did make people blush.

Seriously do 'bad things'.


Su Yan let out a low cry, her waist was suddenly pinched by a big hand and lifted up, and placed on the table.

With a wave of his hand, the ledger, ink, paper, inkstone, etc. above were all scattered on the ground.

Su Roan raised her eyes in amazement, and met the man's cold and unsullied eyes.

"Starting today, Gu will teach you-"


Zhe Liu stood by the door, counting the time.

Silent has been in for a long time, and has not come out yet.

She lowered her eyes, covering the trace of worry in her eyes.

Don't speak to her-

How could it be favored by His Highness? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

That man doesn't care at all...

I don't know how long it has passed, Zhe Liu raised his eyes and looked at the foggy sky, the mist in the distance filled the air, and the pavilions and pavilions further away were hidden behind the fog and could not be seen clearly.

She let out a breath and rubbed her hands together.

Why haven't you come out yet?

As soon as the thought came, the door creaked open.

Su Yan walked out from the inside, but she didn't see any change except that her footsteps were slightly vain and not as calm as before.

Zhe Liu was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly supported her, "Are you alright?"

Four eyes facing each other.

The woman's blushing face came into view. Su Yan's appearance was very special, not very beautiful, but possessed a unique charm. She is delicate and slender, with particularly fair skin. In particular, her lips and eyes are very well-groomed, the end of her eyes is long and narrow, and her lips are bright red.


At this time, there was a faint mist in Taohua's eyes, and she looked down a little, as if she could shed tears.

With a mouthful, Zhe Liu was shocked.

"Why are you hoarse-"

Before he finished speaking, he realized something.

She bit her lip and sighed, "I'll take you back."

Since this day, Hong Fei has been instructed to take good care of Su Yan's body.

A lot of precious medicinal herbs were sent to Hong Fei for no money, and she then prepared them for Su Yun to make medicine for whitening and skin care.

These medicines are also different, some are applied to the feet and hands, and some are applied to the face and the body.

Those bizarre recipes were also given away, which made Hong Fei terrified and addicted to it at the same time.

In addition to helping Su Yan with skin care every day, she went into her own room to study.

And the bottle of rejuvenation that Su Yan gave, she used half of the bottle, but she still didn't come up with anything. This made Hong Fei very frustrated, and she was in a bad mood for several days.

Back to Song Chaojiu's side, after receiving the note that day, he kept his mind.

Before entering the palace, he carefully checked the people around him before entering the palace.

At the palace banquet, the singing and dancing were peaceful, and the court officials pushed the cups for a change. It was very lively.

At this moment, an accident happened.

Those graceful dancing girls suddenly drew soft swords from their waists and stabbed at the emperor's face.

They were so close to the emperor that it was almost impossible to guard against them.

Song Chao paused for a long time and reacted almost instantly.


He snorted lowly, and at the same time he rushed towards the emperor quickly, protecting him firmly behind him.

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