Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1449 The poignant love story of the head of the dark guard 68

The emperor waved his hand, "Sit down first."

He pointed to a location, and Song Guanzhi sat down with Su Yan.

I don't know how Song Guanzhi told the emperor, the emperor never asked her identity from beginning to end, as if she acquiesced to her identity as a crown princess. As for Concubine Min? For the prince to marry such a woman with no background, she could not ask for anything!

The palace banquet was very lively, the glazed lanterns reflected beautiful light, and the dancers danced gracefully with the accompaniment of court musicians. The waist is twisted slightly, the light gauze covers the face, and only a pair of eyes looking forward to love is extremely fascinating.

By the time the palace banquet was over, it was late at night when the carriages left the palace.

Snowflakes swirled in the night sky and fell quickly, and soon the ground was covered with a layer of silver.

The carriage was bumpy, and Su Yan leaned back in the soft chair.

The chin was pinched by the big hand and gently lifted, "Are you happy tonight? Huh?"

"What kind of answer do you want to hear, Master?" Su Yan's eyes were indifferent, "For me, it's just a day, no different from usual."

There was tiredness in her eyes, and the fine strands of hair fell down, and she looked extremely fragile in the dim car.

This was something that had never been seen in her before.

Song Guanzhi's heart suddenly tightened.

"Really?" He looked forward. "My father has already agreed to my request and canonized you as the crown prince. The imperial decree will arrive tomorrow. What about you? When do you want to get married? Would you like to start the spring next year?"

At that time, the weather was warm, and it was still too late to gather excellent embroiderers to make wedding dresses together.

There are also things needed for the wedding, new house layout.

He made the decision on his own, without asking Su Yan's opinion. Because he knew that from Su Yan, he could not get anything he wanted.

From childhood to adulthood, Song Guanzhi knew a truth.

Get what you want!

"You've made up your mind, why are you still asking me?" Su Yan felt amused, she yawned, and her legs started to hurt again.

"Shut up!"

At this moment, the carriage suddenly jolted violently, and Su Yan fell forward uncontrollably.

Song Guanzhi wrapped her arms around her waist, lifted the curtain and looked out.

The guards outside had already been fighting with the man in black, the sharp blades intertwined, and there was a shadow of blood.

Su Yan narrowed her eyes.

The men in black were obviously coming towards the people in the carriage, and under the blocking of the guards, they rushed towards the carriage like a dead man.

The assassins were obviously prepared, and guards continued to die under the assassin's sword, leaving only a few wounded guards who were still struggling to support them.

But those assassins were different. They were twice as many as those brought by Song Guanzhi, and all of them were highly skilled in martial arts.

"You're not going down?"

Su Yan looked at the guard who fell to the ground and died tragically, "It's so pitiful—"

Her waist was suddenly tightly bound, and Su Yan was dragged into the man's arms, and the refreshing smell of cedar drowned her instantly.

Song Guanzhi's deep voice was very clear, and he laughed a bit ruthlessly, "Go and deal with them alone, you have to be good in the car, eh?"

A finger pressed against his chest.

Su Yan smiled in a variety of styles, with a morbid blush on her face.

"I'm a waste. What else does the master want me to do? If the inner strength is still there, the dead at this time will not be ours."

She said it casually, without the slightest resentment.

But Song Guanzhi looked at her smile, only to feel that his breath was frozen.

He knew that Su Yan still cared. At the beginning, she was highly skilled in martial arts and became the leader of the Dark Night Hall as a woman. She should be proud.

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