Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1550 The Red Rose and the God of Light 81

As soon as the wind blew, her hood was lifted off, revealing her face, which had been extensively burned by the fire, and the bald top of her head.


As soon as Su Yan raised her head, she was frightened.

She opened her small mouth, as if frightened, and forgot to react.

Joshua raised his hand expressionlessly, gently covering her eyes, and wrapped her in his cloak.

From the outside, only a petite silhouette can be seen, so tight that even the hair is invisible.

Galianna was even more speechless.

When did they confirm their relationship? Is it really okay to be so possessive?

Moreover, she is getting more and more incomprehensible about Joshua.

Is he really a companion who has been studying and getting along with them for three whole years?

It really is--


Annie pulled up the hood cleanly in a panic, wrapping herself tightly.

Her voice was cold, "What are you looking at! Look at me and I'll gouge your eyes out!"

She is not what she used to be, she is no longer the poor girl who could only be given charity by her vicious stepmother! She inherited a large family fortune and is the future bishop of the temple.

This gave her the absolute confidence to speak out.


Abby frowned disapprovingly, "She's not Cecilia."

And even Cecilia, although she didn't speak well, she never took the initiative to provoke Anne.

I really don't know why she hates Cecilia so much.


Joshua hooked his thin lips, the smile didn't reach his eyes. In his seemingly calm blue eyes, his eyes were deep and calm, and he raised his eyebrows lightly, "Goug her eyes, you try?"

As soon as these words came out, the coercion released from his body suddenly seemed to escape from control, crushing away in all directions.


Annie's knees softened, and she knelt directly beside Joshua.

That feeling, the fear from the depths of her soul, made Annie tremble.

"I... no, Joshua, you—"

She didn't know what she was talking about at all, only deeply puzzled in her heart.

What went wrong?

Why did her situation seem to be back to three years ago?

Jia Lianna watched with cold eyes. In fact, she was also frightened by this terrifying coercion, her back was stiff, and she couldn't help entering a state of alert.

But at least, she is much better than Annie.

Because this coercion is not directed at them, but Annie.

Fortunately, soon, everything faded like the tide.

It was because in this tense atmosphere that it seemed that even the air could condense into a solid body, a timid and soft voice suddenly appeared.

" scare me."

So, in an instant, the strong and terrifying coercion around the young man quickly faded away.

His delicate eyebrows softened again, and there seemed to be a puddle of water hidden in the blue pupils.

With the helplessness and pampering that he may not even know.

"All right."

He finished speaking in a low voice, hugged Su Yan and left first.

Seeing this, everyone looked at each other, and they all saw fear in each other's eyes.

Was this the Joshua they knew?

He looks much better than Annie!

In fact, Anne's fear is only a lot more than these people.

If nothing else, she will be the successor of the next bishop. But what if someone stronger and more popular than her appeared at this time——

Of course Anne knew she was not likable, but so what?

In the past, she didn't have any strong opponents. Even if these people were dissatisfied with her, what could they do?

Happy New Year, babies~ I wish you all good health and success~

It's not safe outside recently, babies try to stay at home as much as possible, play games and read novels, don't run around! Remember to wash your hands frequently and wear a mask when you go out! come on! Come on!

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