Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1554 The Red Rose and the God of Light 85

Su Yan rolled her eyes, and patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "But I have something I really want right now, can you help me get it?"

God frowned, "What?"

The woman clung to his ear, her voice was extremely gentle, "The bone of the Dark God, I want it—"


God shook his head, "Darkness is the last thing that should exist in this world, Cecilia, darkness will make you lose yourself."


Su Yan shook her head, "This world lacks the dark side. People who believe in light can live and work in peace and enjoy the flowers and fruits bestowed by God. What about those who live in the dark place? All of them have no If you do something wrong, just because you were born in the wrong place, you will be expelled and burned to death. You see, this is not at all the same as what you said about the equality of all beings."

"I can change it if you want."

God persistently held Su Yan's finger, "But Cecilia, I don't want you to be that kind of person."

"It should be God."

Su Yan avoided him and dived into the water.

The water was calm.

Dazed slightly, he lowered his head to look at the water, and the rose petals gently undulated with the water.


The sound of water came from behind, and the waist was hugged.

"It's useless to talk too much, my dear God of Light, why don't we do something that will make us temporarily forget our sorrow—"


God's voice seemed a little more exasperated, how could this man—how could he be so changeable!

It's just annoying.

He turned his head, trying to tear her off.

But he was attacked by surprise, and his lips were kissed.

He wanted to resist, but suddenly a few ropes made of mist shot out from Su Yan's fingertips, trapping him firmly.

Su Yan pursed her lips, "It seems that your body really can't get in—"

Fate is still fair.

What you want, you have to fight for yourself, such as now.

God's eyes drooped, he struggled twice, and when he found that he couldn't break free, he gave up directly.

He looked at Su Yan calmly, his light blue eyes were clear and clear, and his breath was peaceful and holy.

It feels sacrilegious to look at him more than once.

But Su Yan is different, she is rebellious by nature.

The more noble and holy God is, the more she will have the idea of ​​wanting to conquer him.

"Are you thinking I'm mean?"

Su Yan approached him, "I seduced you when you lost your memory, and now I rely on your love for me to force you into the dark place. Because I know that once I walk out of here, you are absolutely sure to take me away, Stop me from coming back here."

There were ripples in those light blue eyes, his eyelashes were long and dense, his face was delicate and beautiful, like snow on a holy mountain, unstained by dust.

"You know everything." He said.

"Yes, I know everything." Su Yan smiled triumphantly, wicked and seductive, she slipped into his arms, and said in a nostalgic coquettish tone, "I'm bad, but who told you to like it?"

"God, you came here on your own initiative. This time, I didn't force you."

God nodded, and placed a kiss on her forehead, "I took the initiative."

"So, come back with me?"

"Tsk, it's really unpleasant for you to talk."

Su Yan didn't want to talk to him, so she tore off his snow-white robe with one hand.

His skin is like natural cold jade, so white that there is no blemish, the thin muscle lines are not exaggerated, but they are beautiful and natural.

Even more confusing than the original Noah.

Rouge: Do you believe it or not? Anyway, it's not the first time I've done this kind of thing

Do you want to stab him again? (about to move)

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