Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1556 The Red Rose and the God of Light 87

Su Yan narrowed her eyes and ordered coldly.

He was slightly startled, and then smiled helplessly. Joshua's face began to change slowly.

In the end, it returned to that beautiful face.

Satisfied, Su Yan put her arms around his neck and rolled to the side.

The huge cave can accommodate two people.

She domineeringly pressed God down, looked at him condescendingly, and carefully painted his eyebrows and eyes with her eyes.

When God's face was slightly flushed under her fiery and charming eyes, Su Yan suddenly lowered her head.

Her kiss fell on the side of his neck.

Just when God closed his eyes and wanted to sink in, a sharp pain suddenly came from his neck.

And accompanied by a crisp, numb, electric-like feeling.

His eyelashes, as long as butterfly wings, trembled violently, and then he smiled helplessly, faint ripples appeared in his light blue eyes.

He reached out to stroke the woman's black and soft hair.

Silent pampering and tolerance.

And on his slender and flawless neck, two shocking blood holes appeared at this time.

The woman's sharp teeth pierced his blood vessels, sucking all his blood.

"Cecilia, you still haven't forgiven me."

As he was dying, he sighed softly, and then slowly closed his eyes.

The body turned into a puff of white mist, which gradually dissipated.

Dissipating with him, there are also light spots flying in the air, like fireflies, gradually disappearing.

Su Yan straightened up slowly, wiping a trace of blood from the corner of her lips.

God's blood is sweet—

She licked her lips and said in a low voice, "I will forgive you when I see you next time."

Who made her hate the feeling of being abandoned?

Letting his avatar here will definitely hinder her actions, Su Yan does not allow any mistakes.

She wants a man, she wants strength, she also wants—

She dried her hair with the technique of darkness, and put on the clean dress that God had prepared before.

It was still Su Yan's favorite red, and she even thoughtfully prepared a set of jewelry.

Su Yan was about to put it on when her eyes suddenly paused.

She rubbed the gem with her fingertips for a moment, then suddenly sneered, and threw it into the pool.

With a "plop", the gemstone quickly sank to the bottom.

What a cunning god.

She looked around, took one last look at this place, her figure gradually faded, and then disappeared completely.

In the sky above Castlevania, a red light quickly swept towards the main city.

The demons who saw this scene knelt down one after another, "Greetings, madam."

The woman in the main city palace slowly opened her eyes.

She pursed her scarlet lips and looked coldly at the group of subordinates at the bottom of the steps.

"Are you ready?" Su Yan asked.

"Master! We have been preparing!"

"Willing to obey your orders."

Su Yan waved her hand, "Let's go—"

In the middle of the night, a car pulled by a black dragon flew towards the night sky.

Around the car, there was endless thick fog, which quickly enveloped the car, making it difficult to detect.


Jia Lianna was still swearing, she thought that Cecilia had not come out for so long, and she had already dealt with Joshua.

But when she woke up the next day and still didn't see Joshua and Cecilia, her expression changed.

He stood up abruptly and walked inside.

"Galianna, don't go, in case of danger—"

"I gonna go see."

Galianna walked so fast and so fast that Abby had no chance of stopping her.

The companions all knew that Joshua disappeared with the girl, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay, and then they all followed Jia Lianna and walked towards the depths of the cave.

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