Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1561 The Red Rose and the God of Light 92

Anne was in a daze.

At this moment, a dazzling red light split the stratus clouds and refracted in all directions.

Annie raised her hand to block her eyes.

A red light flew into her eyes.

All are caught in the circumstances, and Annie is no exception.

In the illusion, she became the bishop of the temple herself, while Cecilia was just a perverted woman in pursuit of beauty. She held a long sword in her hand, as long as she wanted, she could easily kill Cecilia.

What are you waiting for?

kill her! kill her!

This bitch who killed her father, took away her family property, and seduced God!

Damn her!

Annie's eyeballs were rapidly turning red, and she moved forward quickly.

All the yelling was thrown down by her.

"Annie! What are you doing?!"


"Let go of the god bone! Oh my god, I'm going to faint—"

Annie stabbed at the smiling woman with a sword. She wanted to scratch her face so that she would no longer be able to show a seductive smile to seduce men.

The sword pierced Cecilia's heart, but no blood flowed out.

Annie was in a trance for a moment, then suddenly woke up.

She was startled, and quickly stepped back, only to find that she was holding a chilly object in her hand.

It was so cold that her teeth chattered.


The scalding temperature scorched the skin, and even had a rising trend, but the jade-white, icy thing in his hand relieved the terrifying temperature just right.

Even, that coldness covered the scorching heat.

Everyone was sweating profusely, but Annie's hair and eyebrows had a layer of hoarfrost.

"Annie! Throw that thing away!"

"damn it!"

"Don't be fooled by that thing!"



Annie looked dully at the bone in her hand. It was pure white, exuding a warm texture like jade, like the most perfect work of art, not at all as evil as in the legend.

"Give me!"

"That thing is mine!"

"Kill her! Kill that girl!"

Annie slumped, staggered and fell, watching those monsters that were either human beings or blue-faced and fangs approaching her.

Her heart was beating violently.

It's not fear, it's—


As long as the god bone is fused, it can become a new god.

Will have power comparable to the God of Light, and even...

Annie's throat was dry, and she heard the voice in her head, inducing: fuse it! Put it in your body!

If she gave up this opportunity and spent her entire life, her highest position would be to be a temple bishop.

But what if he became a god?

In addition to the God of Light, the second god.

Annie smiled, her eyes were red.

The wind blew off her cloak, revealing the horrified face.

She held the divine bone and slowly pressed it towards her body.

As soon as the divine bone touched her body, it seemed to melt and slowly flowed into her body.

"My God, is she crazy?!"

Lilian covered her mouth and clenched the staff in her hand.

There was silence between heaven and earth, and all the demons and human beings bewitched by desires were still.

They roared, but they couldn't make a sound. They wanted to get closer, and wanted to tear the girl who stole the god bone. But as soon as she got close, she was smashed into pieces by the gust of wind around her.

Annie's body was expanding, and then quickly retracted to its original shape, and the cycle repeated like this.

She felt that she was going to die, but at the same time, there was a power that was so powerful that it frightened her, swimming around her body.

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