Male God, a Little Su

1572 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 6

Seeing that the opponent was beaten with only one breath left, Su Yan had not moved when he was already venting more and taking in less.

In the system space, 04, who was dressed in black and looked icy, tilted his head suspiciously, "Master host, will you not save me?" He was dying. 】

Su Yan narrowed her eyes and leaned lazily beside a plum tree.

Her character has always been laid-back and uninhibited. Instead of wearing her hair like those men, she only used a hair band and tied it loosely behind her head.

The white cloak was covered with fluffy fox fur and pressed against her porcelain-like cheeks. The eyebrows are slender, and there is a coldness in the glittering peach blossom eyes, "I look like a good person?"

04 was dumbfounded, and he was surprised: [But you don't seem to meet someone who cannot be saved. 】

Hearing this, Su Yan laughed, "I'm sorry, I really am."

04: […]

At the moment when he was on the verge of death, Shen Li seemed to hear a faint laugh.

Lazy and casual, he fell lightly from the top of his head.

He heard the tick-tock of his own blood dripping to the ground.

The pupils became more and more dilated.

he's going to die...

04 couldn't help reminding: [Master host, he is really going to die. 】

Su Yan: "Oh," she scratched her ears, "so, he is a soul fragment?"

04 pursed his lips, [No. 】

"What's the matter with me? I'll die if I die."

04Through the system space, you can clearly see the woman's expression. She really didn't have the slightest bit of pity, and she was so indifferent.

When the strong smell of blood filled the air, and even faintly floated in front of her, she still stood firmly on the spot, and there was even a faint smile on the corner of her lips.

He looked at her carefully. Her eyes were extremely beautiful, with long and narrow ends. Crow's eyelashes were thick and curled, casting a fan-shaped shadow under her eyes.

Beauty is beautiful, but too indifferent.

"What are you doing?! Don't stop this palace!"

At this moment, a young man in brocade walked quickly, his expression was as heavy as ice. While quickly ordering someone to pick up the young man lying on the ground, he ordered someone to summon the imperial doctor.

"Seventh brother, wake up, seventh brother?"

"I have seen His Royal Highness!"

"Brother Prince!"

The group of little eunuchs, including the chubby prince, all turned pale.

"Brother Prince, this wild species provoked me first! Look at my hand, he was the one who bit me first, regardless of my business!"

"Oh, these words, you should go to the father and say it!"

Shen Zuo said coldly, his jade white face was full of frost.

04 Eyes lit up, as if seeing a savior, [Master host, soul fragments have appeared! 】

Su Yan raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Oh?"

She stroked her sleeve, "If that's the case, then go out and have a look?"

"No, brother prince!"

Shen Xuan cried and grabbed Shen Zuo's sleeve, desperately trying to show him the wound on his hand, "Brother Prince, we are one family! What is this wild bastard? Look at him biting my hand into pieces. What's it like? Besides, what if you let your royal father know? Brother Crown Prince, don't forget that the mother of this savage is a nameless and humble servant! Even if you sue the royal father, It's nothing but annoyance for him!"

Shen Zuo was unmoved, "But that's why you are so vicious to your compatriots? Sixth brother, I didn't care about you in the past, I just thought you were young and playful. But I didn't expect that you were real. You want to kill the seventh brother!"

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