Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1582 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 16

"Brother Huang, the younger brother is here."

Footsteps approached.

Emperor Jing rubbed his aching head and said coldly, "Come here."

Su Yan approached and saw Jingdi's pale and gloomy appearance. He smiled silently, walked quickly, and said worriedly, "Brother Huang, are you feeling unwell? Do you want to declare an imperial physician?"

After she finished speaking, she quickly said: "Come here, Imperial Physician Xuan!"

"Don't have to—"

Emperor Jing had been enduring a huge anger in his heart, until he saw Su Yan's face and heard her voice, and it gradually eased. He held back and waved to Su Yan, "Ayan, come closer and let me take a good look at you."

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Su Yan was surprised, she walked over obediently, half angrily said: "Brother Huang is true, even if you are busy with the government, you can't ignore your own body, right? You are the ruler of a country and the foundation of the society, if you fall ill Now, what should the people of the world do?"

Emperor Jing listened to her concerned words, looked at her worried eyes, and knew that she was not cheating.

She cared about his royal brother in her heart.


Emperor Jing's eyes sank, and he clenched the armrest of the Grand Master's chair.

But this is not what he wants, what he wants is this person, let this person belong to him completely! Instead of this life, I can only watch her linger on the bed of one woman after another, listening to her call her brother.

This is not what he wants, no!

Su Yan also approached at this time, almost bewitched, Emperor Jing suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled Su Yan forward.

Su Yan staggered, and then stood firm on the table.

"Brother Emperor?"

She tilted her head, puzzled.

Emperor Jing clenched Su Yan's hand tightly, "Ayan, I really mean—"

"Brother Huang, what's wrong with you? Do you have something to say to Ayan? Don't worry, speak slowly, Ayan won't leave."

Su Yan said with guilt: "Ayan shouldn't be angry with the imperial brother, the imperial brother loves Ayan so much, and Ayan is still arrogant and arrogant, it really shouldn't be! Blame Ayan, otherwise the emperor will not let the emperor miss him because of his thoughts. Ayan, your body has become so bad."

Emperor Jing: "I actually..."

He opened his mouth and looked at the person in front of him with slightly red eyes. Not only did he not break free from his hand, but he held his back with his backhand.

With sincerity, he said: "Brother Emperor! Don't explain it, Ayan knows it! Brother Huang loves Ayan and treats Ayan like his own younger brother. These Ayans will never be forgotten in eternity! You must be good and take care of yourself. Body, if you are sick, what should you do if you call Ayan!"

Emperor Jing's heart softened into a pool of water.

He sighed and said softly: "Don't worry, with me here, I can guarantee your prosperity and wealth all your life."

"Ayan doesn't want any glory and wealth!"

Su Yan's eyelashes were wet, and she said aggrieved: "As long as Ayan's brother is healthy, as long as his brother is healthy, he will let Ayan lose ten or twenty years of his life, and Ayan will be willing to do so!"

"Ayan! Shut up!"

Emperor Jing was stunned for a moment, deeply moved.

The ancients were very taboo about lifespan and believed in the existence of immortals. These words were heard by the gods, and they had to be fulfilled.

"What a fool, you can talk nonsense like this? Quickly say that you just said unintentionally, please don't take it seriously!"

"I do not want!"

Su Yan shook her head and said stubbornly: "Ayan said, every word is from the bottom of his heart, and there is no lie. Ayan hopes that the emperor can be well, as long as you can be well, Ayan doesn't care what Ayan does. "

"Ayan you..."

Emperor Jing's throat was dry, he said excitedly: "I didn't expect you to care about me so much, Ayan, I thought..."

"Brother, did you only know now?"

Su Yan squinted at him, "But it's not too late. Brother Huang listened to Ayan, and asked the imperial physician to come and take a look?"

Emperor Jing was overjoyed by her words, and nodded again and again, "Okay! I'll listen to you."

"Brother is so nice!"

Su Yan boasted and ordered Luo Xiu to call the imperial physician.

When Luo Xiu brought the imperial physician into the hall, he saw Emperor Jing and Su Yan playing chess face to face with smiles on each other's faces. Emperor Jing's previous rage seemed to have never happened.

He sighed in his heart that his worship of the Nine Lords was like a surging river, flowing endlessly.

"Brother, the imperial physician is here."

"Finish this game first." Emperor Jing didn't lift his head.


Su Yan raised her hand and rubbed the chessboard, "Check the pulse first!"


Emperor Jing wanted to be angry, but when he looked up and saw her smiling face, he lost all his anger.

"It's wayward! It's all up to you!"

He stretched out his hand, and the imperial doctor hurried forward to check the pulse.

After a while, the imperial physician said: "The emperor has been thinking a lot recently. Although he is busy with court affairs, he must also pay attention to the Eucharist!"

"Apart from these, nothing else?"

Su Yan asked a question, and after getting the answer from the imperial doctor, she continued: "Then go and prescribe the medicine, Luo Xiu, you can watch it. I will cook a bowl later and let the emperor take it!"

Emperor Jing: "..."

After taking the medicine, which was added with soothing ingredients, Emperor Jing soon fell asleep.

Before going to bed, he vaguely felt that he had forgotten something?


As soon as Shen Zuo came out of the study, he heard the palace servant say, "His Royal Highness, the Ninth Prince is here."


Shen Zuo was startled, "Uncle Nine Emperor? Now?"

The palace man nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Where is Uncle Jiuhuang? Take this palace to go!"

Shen Zuo quickened his pace and quickly left the palace servant behind.

When entering the front hall, the candles were dimly lit, and the 'man' was dressed in brocade and jade, with black hair and a shawl, and his eyebrows were picturesque.

She was holding a glass of wine, casually drinking to the moon alone.

Hearing the footsteps, she raised her eyes to see Shen Zuo, and smiled leisurely.

"The prince is here? Uncle Huang disturbed you late at night, didn't it bother you?"


Shen Zuo was flattered, and hurriedly bowed deeply, "It is a blessing for my nephew to be able to see my nephew. How could my nephew think that my uncle's visit is disturbing my nephew?"

"That's fine."

Su Yan nodded and said, "Sit down and have a couple of drinks with this king?"

"Nephew obey!"

Shen Zuo took his seat cautiously, and when he saw Su Yan pouring wine for him, he hurriedly took it with both hands.

"Thank you, Uncle."

"Ah—" Su Yan shook his head, "You don't need to be like that. Although this king responded to your uncle, he was only a few years older than you. Now there are no outsiders here, just let go. ."

After all, she raised her head and drank the wine.

Between the brows and eyes, the corners of his eyes were dyed with a touch of crimson, which was extremely confusing.

She leaned back and bent one leg in an indecent posture. It can be done by her, but she looks uninhibited and lazy.

"Wait under the moon west wing,

The windward door is half open.

Fluttering the wall, flowers and shadows move,

Suspected to be the Jade--"

She held a chopstick and tapped the wine cup lightly, mumbling words in her mouth.

Hearing this, Shen Zuo laughed and his expression relaxed a little.

Ridiculously said: "Uncle Huang's poem is not suitable, how can there be a beauty here?"


Su Yan supported her forehead and raised her long eyebrows lazily.

The tree next to him swayed gently, and a thin figure was looming.

She opened her red lips lightly and pointed, "Here, the beauty is here."

Today's update is ready! 4,000 words is not much, no less. Tonight, Brin is a chapter of 2,000 words. Previously, the update was a chapter of 1,000 words.

However, Brin wants to have two thousand-word chapters in the future, so that only two chapters are needed. Otherwise, just typing the title and the serial number will be tiring~


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