Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1591 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 25

Su Yan finished saying this sentence in her mind, but she didn't get a response for a long time.

In the system space, 04 in a suit closed his eyes and stood quietly. The system space is filled with dead silence, which is extremely strange.

a long time……

04 suddenly opened his eyes, and a string of data flashed in his eyes, as if two forces were fighting.

Eventually, black gradually covered the pure ice blue.

04 said softly: [Master host, you should pay more attention to the soul fragments. 】

[However, he is very boring in this world. 】

Su Yan's smile grew stronger, and the expression on her face became more and more light.

Just like joking.

04 was silent for a moment, and reminded: [Master host, once the mission fails, you will not be able to resurrect. 】

Su Yan: [Oh. 】

04 opened his mouth: [Sir, please take the task seriously. 】

Su Yan blinked: [I'm very serious, how can you see that I'm not serious, eh? 】

Her words were followed by a long silence.

Even Su Yan could feel 04's heart that was about to collapse, she hooked her lips, "Forget it, it's boring, you can go offline. 】

04: […]


(The system is offline, please leave a message if you have anything.)

"Uncle? Uncle?"

Su Yan regained her senses and heard Shen Zuo calling her.

"Huh? Is something wrong?"

Shen Zuo chuckled, looked at Shen Li and Shen Xuan, and said, "Uncle Huang, the reason why my nephew wants to invite all the brothers together today is because I want them to be witnesses, so that the sixth brother and the seventh brother can shake hands. Yanhe. You happen to be here, why don't you—"

"Oh? Handshake peace?"

Su Yan smiled, but interrupted him, "Prince, why doesn't this king understand what you said? When did the sixth highness and the seventh highness have a conflict? They are brothers. never mind."

Shen Zuo was stunned, looked at Shen Xuan and Shen Li, and nodded shyly, "Yes, Uncle Huang is right."

"Then invite the sixth brother and the seventh brother to have a drink each, and let the big things be small, and the small ones."

Shen Li pursed his lips, smiling a little coldly.

It turns out that a life, in their eyes, is just a trivial matter?

He looked at Su Yan, these days, although he always thought that Su Yan was just treating him as a gadget, he would tease him when he had nothing to do.

But in the end, it was because of her words that he finally seemed to live his life.

The Youli Hall has been repaired, and all the missing items have been delivered.

Even if I really can't get it out, I have found a craftsman to build it, and I believe it will be delivered in a few days.

Therefore, Su Yan's position in his heart is always subtle and different.

Shen Xuan let out a sigh of relief, smiled and rolled his eyes, "It's all up to Uncle Huang!"

"Seventh Highness, how about you?" Su Yan raised her eyebrows.

Shen Li smiled very well-behaved, he has learned to be flexible these days. Although not very skilled, but it did let him taste the sweetness.

Sometimes, in his position, blindly using the thorny side to target everyone is really not getting the slightest benefit.

But when it softens a little, the benefits you get are unexpected.

Shen Li nodded, "The nephew listens to the uncle."

"Why do you listen to this king? This king can't represent you. Whether you are willing to shake hands and make peace, I will naturally follow you." She raised her hand.

Shen Zuo was startled, and everyone looked at Su Yan.

Su Yan smiled meaningfully, "Why are you staring at this king? It's boring to drink a cup? A big drink is enough for fun, isn't it?"

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