Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1596 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 30

He put down the basin, stomped his feet and rubbed his hands.

Seeing Shen Li, he immediately smiled.

"Your Highness, it's snowing heavily outside!"

In the past, this time was the most worrying time for Chunsheng. They eat the worst meals, even worse than a favored minion. When he went to the imperial pantry to get them, the meals were cold and hard.

The palace they live in is also the most dilapidated. It rains and leaks, and the wind leaks. The quilt was as hard as a stone, without the slightest warmth.

But now it's different.

It turned out that the days were going well, and it was true that everything was pleasing to the eye.


Shen Li's eyes rolled, he lowered his head, and wrote and drew on the desk.

Chunsheng took the tea and walked over, "Your Highness, should you wash up first? It's time for breakfast later."

The sound came from far and near, and it was startling.

He yanked a piece of rice paper beside him, covering what he was drawing, and then let out a sigh of relief.

Chunsheng didn't notice his little gestures, he just put the tea cup by his hand respectfully.

With a glance from the corner of his eye, he grinned, "Hey? Your Highness, why do you have Yaxing painting today?"

The rice paper covered most of it, but there was a slender hand protruding from the edge of the rice paper.

Shen Xuan pursed his lips, "Just paint."

He swept the blank rice paper and walked towards the water basin.

The snow fell for a whole day and night. After breakfast, Shen Li stood under the eaves and stared at the thick snow.

Chunsheng put on a cloak for him and asked inexplicably, "Your Highness, are you in a bad mood?"


"It's cold outside, let's go in, it will be bad if it freezes."


Shen Li's thin eyelids were lightly lifted, and his face still had the tenderness of a teenager, but his eyes were deep like a pool of stagnant water.

"What's different today?"

"Huh? No..." Chunsheng scratched his head, and suddenly remembered, "Oh, by the way, when the servant went to the imperial kitchen to get breakfast, I heard that His Royal Highness the Prince had left the palace early and didn't eat in the palace."

Shen Li's eyes flashed quickly.

"I didn't say it..." As soon as the words came out, they swallowed them back.

Chunsheng smirked, "His Royal Highness, where can the servants find out about His Royal Highness, maybe, the Emperor has something to do, please tell His Royal Highness to do it."


Chunsheng accompanied Shen Li and stood outside for a while.

Until noon, Shen Li suddenly said: "Chunsheng, where are the new clothes sent by Shangyi Bureau a few days ago?"

"The servants are all kept, do you want to wear them, Your Highness?"

Shen Li didn't speak, he turned his head and glanced over the imperial city. The snowflakes were so beautiful that the sky showed a gray color.

His Adam's apple rolled, and his dark eyelashes drooped.



Late at night.

Snow stopped.

The entire palace was bright, and rows of carriages were parked at the entrance.

Walking into the palace, Rao was used to seeing wealth and honor, and he still wanted to applaud the structure and furnishings of the palace.

The entire Wangfu is majestic, with rockeries and flowing water, and winding paths lead to seclusion.

Ten steps and a lampstand, reflecting a hazy light and shadow. Walking in such a snowy night is extraordinarily poetic.

"Seventh brother, why are you here?"

Seeing Shen Li getting off the carriage, Shen Zuo asked curiously.

Shen Li raised his eyes and smiled estrangedly.

"Naturally, it is the same as His Royal Highness, who was invited by the uncle."

"Uh..." Shen Zuo touched his nose, "So that's the case, then the seventh brother will go in with me."

He made a gesture of invitation, Shen Li bowed his head slightly, "It's better for His Royal Highness to invite first."

Shen Zuo was just a habitual humility. He was a prince from the moment he was born, and the difference between honor and humility was engraved into his bones.

He went ahead, as he should have.

Good night

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