Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1598 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 32

During the whole banquet, Su Yan took good care of Shen Zuo, and the two of them sometimes whispered close to each other, so close.

The other one who was invited to the banquet was just like what Su Yan had casually suggested last night.

There is only one more chair left and one more sip of wine.

Other than that, he was inconspicuous.

The banquet continued until late at night, and the banquet did not end until the second half of the night.

Those men blushed and handed farewell to Su Yan.

Su Yan waved her hand, got up and escorted them to the door.

It wasn't until their carriage left that Ling Xue helped her back.

Shen Zuo squinted, still collapsed in the soft collapse, on the other side, Shen Li, who didn't know whether to sleep or wake up.

"Tsk...the amount of alcohol is too bad."

Su Yan walked over, gently lifted Shen Zuo, and patted his face, "Prince, why is it so uncomfortable?"


Shen Zuo sniffed softly like a puppy, raised his head, almost touching Su Yan's neck. He was so drunk that he could barely tell who the smell was.

Su Rou's long eyelids drooped down, covering the look in his eyes.

He stroked his hair more and more gently, "Well, Uncle Huang is here."

"Uncle...I, I feel uncomfortable..."

"Come on! Go to the palace and let the prince know tonight. Go and prepare the wing room and cook some sober soup."

After saying that, she bent down and hugged Shen Zuo who was half a head shorter than her, and walked towards the door.

Su Yan's body is very tall, more than 1.8 meters by visual inspection. In this era, being a daughter again is indeed very rare.

This is also the reason why she has never been discovered for so many years.

And Shen Zuo was still growing, so he was shorter than Su Yan.

Ling Xue's eyes flickered, and she stopped Su Yan, "Your Highness, that Seventh Highness—"


Su Yan was stunned, as if she had just reacted, and there was another Shen Li.

She sneered, "Set up a wing for him and find a servant to serve him."

The treatment of Shen Zuo is very different.

"Yes, the concubine knows."

Shen Li was supported by two servants and staggered down the path of the palace.

The moonlight was bright and shining.

He narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were clear.

The tone of laziness, with some casual words, kept echoing in his mind.




"44, don't you think he's cute?"

Su Yan sat beside the bed, looked at Shen Zuo who was already sleeping, and gently stroked his cheek with his fingers.

Started slightly hot, "You're so good when you're drunk."

In the system space, 04 slowly opened his eyes.

A string of data quickly flashed through his eyes, and finally returned to normal.

[But the quality of soul fragments in this life is mediocre, Emperor Jing's deadline is approaching, and the battle for succession has entered a fever pitch, so the host should prepare earlier. 】

"Oh?" Su Yan leaned against the bed. "In your opinion, who will be his strongest opponent? I'll kill him for him."

04 was silent for a while and gave the answer.

[Seventh prince Shen Li. 】

"Well, it was him..."

Su Yan rolled her eyes and laughed suddenly.

"It doesn't matter, what great ability can a child have? I think he's still interesting at the moment. It's not too late to take care of him when he's not fun anymore."

[Lord Host - The mission is important! 】


Su Yan's eyes suddenly turned cold, and a powerful momentum poured out.

At the same time, there is also the power of her soul.

After so many trials in the world, her soul strength is already frighteningly strong.

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