Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1617 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 50

He didn't know what illness Emperor Jing had, and Shen Li didn't care about his nominal father. If it was him, he would directly kill this man who dared to covet 'him'!

Even if there is Su Ro's handwriting, Shen Li will not hate her.

At the same time, he was also afraid.

Come to think of it, Uncle Huang doesn't like men, she likes gentle and beautiful women, and there are countless people in the house.

If she were to know her shameful thoughts, maybe in this life, she would never have the chance to see her again—

But, how to be willing? !

"What are you thinking?"

Warm fingers lifted the boy's chin, and Shen Li was caught off guard by a pair of watery, smiling, half-spring eyes.

The coming person is tall and long, wearing a wide underwear with a slightly open collar, revealing a delicate collarbone. The water vapor on the skin has not yet dried, and it has a shallow luster, making it more and more flawless.

"Emperor... Uncle..."

Shen Li pinched his thigh, the beast in his heart couldn't stop roaring.

Want 'him'!

Get 'him'!

Let 'he' belong only to himself!

Go to hell with that goddamn prince! How can a coward be loved by the uncle?

In his body, anger was rampant and rampant. But on his face, there was the most shy and well-behaved smile. He knew that Uncle Huang liked it.

Like that idiot Shen Zuo——

Sure enough, he saw the other party's smile, and the smile was so beautiful that it made Shen Li stunned.

"Is this king good-looking? His Royal Highness actually looked at it."

She sneered, put on her robe, and walked towards the inner hall.


Shen Xin panicked, and quickly fell to his knees, "Uncle Huang atones."

Can't make her hate him, can't...


Su Yan tutted softly and turned around with her robes closed, "It's not a good habit to kneel at every turn. With eyes like yours, this king can see more. Come on in."

The curtain shook slightly, and the exiled figure had disappeared behind the curtain.

Shen Li let out a sigh of relief, and he stood up hard against the carpet.

Slowly raising his eyes, if Su Yan is still here, you can find out. There was not much fear in his eyes, and there seemed to be a black mist flowing in the dark pupils.

Underneath it hides complex emotions.

Shady, cruel, fond, and possessive—

Shen Li rested on the spot for a while, he pressed the pain in his heart, raised his steps, and slowly moved in.

Su Yan crouched on the bed, her silky black hair was damp, her eyelashes were thick and curled, casting a light shadow on her porcelain-white skin. She closed her eyes and seemed to be asleep.

Shen Li looked at her quietly, with endless longing in his eyes.

a long time……

He walked over lightly, picked up a cotton cloth, and gently wiped her long hair.


Su Yan lifted her eyes lazily, with mist in the eyes, and the corners of her eyes were crimson, "What are you doing?"

Shen Li's hands froze, and then quickly relaxed.

He said humbly: "My nephew sees that Uncle Huang is tired, but his hair has not been wiped dry. If he falls asleep like this, he will wake up tomorrow without a headache, so... he decides on his own and wants to wipe the uncle for a time or two, and ask the emperor Uncle Atonement!"

The boy still held a handful of hair in his hands, and looked at her timidly with a blushing face.

That look was so heartwarming.

Su Yan curled her lips, "Let's go."

The night was dark, and everything was silent.

There was only a dim light and shadow from the candles in the hall. The man was lying on the bed, his eyelashes trembling with steady breathing like butterfly wings, as if he had fallen asleep.

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