Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1619 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 52

The morning light shined on her, she was wearing a white robe, and she had no time to tie it up. The wind rolled up the clouds like wide sleeves, as if shrouded in immortal energy, with radiance and color, like a god standing in the clouds.

Shen Zuo looked more and more insane.

He gently tugged at Su Yan's sleeve, unable to hide his grievance, "Uncle Huang..."

Shen Xin's mouth seemed to have been pricked by something, and thousands of ants were gnawing at his heart. Something was so clogged in his throat that he opened his lips, but he couldn't pronounce a single word.

The Adam's apple rolled, and the picture in front of him was clearly reflected in his pupils.

"Okay, darling," Su Yan inadvertently pulled back his sleeves and patted him on the shoulder, "You're already an adult, could it be that Uncle Huang slept with someone at night, and you have to ask?"

"Nephew dare not!"

Shen Zuo sniffed, he was never so naive before, but recently when Su Yan was by his side, she was almost responsive to his requests. This only encouraged Shen Zuo's courage, he said softly: "But the seventh brother once stayed in your room, and the nephew also thought about it! Every time he wanted to invite you, he was rejected by you!"

He glanced at Shen Li, unable to stop being jealous.


Su Yan rubbed her eyebrows, "I don't remember."

"Really?! I knew it was the seventh brother who was lying to me!"

Shen Zuo laughed immediately, his brows were soaring, and the unafraid just now was thrown into the clouds.

Shen Li swore that he saw pride in Shen Zuo's eyes.

Crow's black eyelashes drooped, and he was the first to look away.

However, Shen Zuo was indeed qualified to be proud.

As long as the uncle still cares about him for a day, he is still willing to spoil him and give him the most special treatment.

Then he can always be proud in front of him!

Not being favored, but delusionally wanting to get that special person, is the saddest!

He breathed two points heavier and quickly adjusted.

Unwilling to say: "My nephew saw that Uncle Huang was very tired last night. While wiping his hair for Uncle, he accidentally fell asleep beside your bed. I wanted to leave quietly as soon as possible, and make amends at another day, so as not to disturb Uncle's purity. Who would have thought that after being called by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince early in the morning, he still disturbed the uncle."

He is like a beggar with only a rag doll toy, obviously he has nothing, but he still pretends to be very proud and rich. Go to the real darling, the young master with countless toys to show off.

Pretending to be proud to say: Look! I am the richest one!

In fact, he has nothing, everything he has is like a fantasy, a fantasy that can be broken with a poke.


Shen Zuo glared at him and was irritated, "Uncle, I clearly sent a lot of palace servants to take care of me. When will it be your turn to work? I think you did it on purpose!"

Shen Li silently hooked his lips and lowered his eyes.

A gesture of respect and humility.

"My brother doesn't dare."

"You dare to stay overnight in the uncle's room, what else is there to dare!"

"All right."

That Yubai's hand fell on Shen Zuo's shoulder, instantly suppressing all his anger.

"Uncle Huang is a man, so why not sleep with him?"

"But my nephew doesn't like it!" Shen Zuo pursed his lips, "In the future, without my permission, Seventh Brother, it's better not to rush into the East Palace! Now the imperial court is in turmoil, and there are many secrets in the East Palace. Brother doesn't know what to do, but I can't prevent those who have a heart from talking nonsense. Therefore, seventh brother is injured, so let's rest in Youli Hall! Don't wander around!"

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