Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1624 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 57


Su Yan patted his shoulder and caught him in time, "If you don't stay in the palace and study with Taifu, what are you doing here again?"


Shen Zuo relied on her sleeve and softly coquettishly said, "I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to stay by your side. Uncle, how about I not be the emperor? I want to be with you for the rest of my life!"

"It's better not to say what His Royal Highness said."

Before Su Rou could speak, a voice came from not far away, interrupting him lightly.

"If you let the masters hear it, you'll be unhappy again."

But it turned out that Shen Li hadn't left yet.

Shen Zuo pursed his lips, "Uncle Huang, can you let him go?"

Shen Li squinted his eyes, and he still kept a gentle smile on his face. Standing there with a straight back and a face like a crown of jade, like a handsome young man.

"The prince likes to meddle in the king's affairs?"

Su Yan had held his hand affectionately and quickly released it, but Shen Zuo knew it was wrong, but he couldn't control his jealousy. Even, as long as he thought, when he was kept in the palace by the Taifus to continue to study, Shen Li would never return until he placed the spoon in the palace every day. Maybe he just came to find the uncle?

Shen Li wanted to take his place!

Shen Zuo saw ambition in his seemingly harmless eyes.

"Uncle...I, I don't dare, I just..."

He watched Su Yan's expression sink, and his eyes were no longer gentle. The distressed feeling just now seemed to be fleeting, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Shen Zuo's eyes became even redder, and his nose was sore.

The cloud-like wide sleeves slipped away from his fingertips, never to be touched again.

"go in."

The clothes woven like clouds in the sky are elegant and pure, and the light falls on them when they walk, and the fabric seems to have water ripples. The wind blew the corners of his clothes gently, and his temperament was dusty and not stained with dust.

Shen Zuo hurriedly followed, as if he would lose the person in front of him if he took a single step slower.

But he didn't know that he never got it from beginning to end.

Relying on others, or begging humbly, will never get that person.

It took him a lifetime to figure this out.

"Uncle Royal."

Shen Li bowed his head respectfully and stretched out his arms.

Su Yan's hand was slightly on his forearm, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his lips, and his tone was not warm.

"You're getting more and more sensible."

"Where, Uncle Huang is overrated."

Shen Li smiled shyly, as if she was very happy because of her words.

Shen Zuo silently followed behind, looking at Shen Li's position.

There, it was supposed to be his.

Shen Li should stand in his position, always watching him enjoy the love of his uncle, the love and care of his uncle, and he will never be able to ask for it for a lifetime.

Why are they back?

Shen Zuo didn't understand.

The basket of cherries sent by Shen Li was round and full, with a bright red color. When they arrived, Ling Xue had already ordered the servants to wash them up and bring them up.

"Uncle, can you taste it? If you find it delicious, I'll ask someone to bring more."

Su Yan picked up one and put it in her mouth, the sweet and sour juice filled the air, which was really appetizing.

She smiled and said, "Don't bother, you have a heart."

Her attitude was lukewarm, if Shen Li hadn't seen her distress and worry about Shen Zuo before, she might still be addicted to this false and short-lived charity.

"Uncle likes it, everything is worth it."

Shen Li walked around behind her with a smile, gently squeezed her shoulders, and asked, "Uncle Huang, is this strength okay?"

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