Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1627 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 60

she said leisurely.

Shen Li pursed his lips, slowly raised his eyes, and stared at Su Yan paranoid.

"I'm not afraid, as long as Uncle Huang is happy."


Su Yan put down the tea cup and looked at him with interest for a while.

Quiet needle drop can be heard indoors.

Shen Li's hands hanging by his side clenched into fists, and he suddenly knelt down on both knees, "Please trust me, Uncle, I have no other intentions, I just hope Uncle can be happy!"

"Hey, what are you drawing?"

"I..." The boy's Adam's apple rolled, his voice hoarse.

Just at this moment, the jade-like hand gently raised his chin and looked at each other.

Shen Li panicked, and clearly saw disgust in those eyes.

"What? You also like this king's face? It's no wonder that you have to follow the example. You, like Shen Jing, are disgusting!"


"Uncle, I didn't—"

He tried to grab the corner of Su Ro's clothes, but he could only watch the corner of his clothes and slip away from his palm.

Within the line of sight, there is a figure gradually receding.

If he left it, Shen Li's whole body was cold, like falling into an ice cellar.

"Get out, don't get in the way of my eyes from now on! Otherwise, this king doesn't mind killing you with his own hands!"

The voice was as clear as water, so pleasant to the ear.

But if you say it, why is it so sad?

Shen Li clenched the robe tightly around his heart, and bloodshot eyes gradually spread to the bottom of his eyes.

How should he be?

If Uncle Huang can relieve his anger, it would be good to die in her hands.

But he is unwilling! If he dies, Uncle Huang will be with that coward Shen Zuo forever! Why? !

The boy's body was filled with a strong hostility, his back was slightly arched, and his head was lowered.

It's like I've been dead for a long time...


Ling Xue quietly followed behind Su Yan.

Before entering the room, Su Yan ordered lightly, "From now on, regardless of the consequences, leave no room for me. Suppress Shen Li, this king doesn't want to see him again!"

In the system space, 04 smiled slowly.

[Congratulations to the host, you finally figured it out. 】

Su Yan curled her lips, "Yes, not only I figured out this matter, but I also figured out one more thing. You wait, when I go back, I will give you a big surprise. 】

04 Wei Leng: [Can I ask what it is? 】

Su Yan licked her lips and smiled meaningfully, [Of course it's something you like, such as...]

Soul Fragments?



Days passed by inadvertently, and Shen Zuo's situation became more and more difficult.

The masters were completely disappointed in him, and there was an old master who had assisted the late emperor and Emperor Jing, who angrily went on strike and refused to teach Shen Zuo any more.

In his words, Shen Zuo was just a lump of elm wood.

Put the country into his hands, and the country will not be the country!

Rumors are rampant, and those ambitious princes are jumping more and more fiercely.

Inside the Youli Hall, a heart-piercing cough could be heard from time to time.

Chunsheng burst into tears, but there was nothing he could do.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, eat a little something! I can't stand it any longer!"

Shen Li lay on his back on the bed, staring blankly at the plain bed tent.

On it, it seems to gradually outline a beautiful face.

He smiled bleakly, "Uncle Huang wants me to die, so I shall die."

"His Royal Highness! You mustn't think like that! Just beg Chunsheng to beg you, take care of yourself!"

Chunsheng threw himself on his knees and pleaded with grief.

For some unknown reason, their treatment in Youli Hall dropped again and again. It seems to have returned to the original time, when the clothes were naked and all the leftovers were leftovers.

Be cool, I said

During the day, the premise is that the family of a scumbag does not come

The epidemic has come to an end, and the things that were troubled before have to be dealt with

wish me all the best

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