Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1629 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 62

Boldly said coldly: "If you tell me to stop, I will stop? Why?! Are you trash? Give me a hurry-ah!!"

His neck was instantly pinched.

The black-clothed boy who was still sitting on the bed just now had teleported to him.

The dagger that exudes a cold light shines brighter in the dim light.

Shen Xuan was tied by his neck and pressed to the ground. The tip of the dagger was just above his eyeballs.

As long as he dares to struggle, he doesn't need the eyeballs.

"Come on, you let them continue."

Shen Li laughed, his eyes focused. I didn't worry that the little eunuchs behind him would jump up and snatch his dagger. If they accidentally hurt their master, it would have nothing to do with him.

"you you you……"

Shen Xuan's scalp was numb, and he tried his best to control himself not to tremble too violently, for fear that the dagger would stab into his eyeballs. The smell of urine filled the hall, and Shen Li smiled even more cheerfully.

His eyes were dark and dark, and he didn't look like a normal person.

"Brother Huang, you peeed your pants."

"Shen Li... No! Brother Huang, Brother Huang..."

He begged terribly, trembling.

"You move the dagger away, be careful..."

"Oh? Is the tongue still pulled out?"

The little eunuchs held Chunsheng's hand from left to right, and one of the eunuchs had forced Chunsheng's mouth to open.

But at this moment, they were so frightened that their souls flew away, how dare they do it.

"No no no! Hurry up, hurry up and let go!!"

Shen Xuan burst into tears, and he was covered in cold sweat, constantly regretting why he had to run this trip.

Now that Emperor Jing has had a stroke, the treatment of his mother and concubine is worsening day by day.

He couldn't be as capricious as he used to be.

Now the power of the imperial court is torn apart, and I don't know if Shen Li will gouge out his eyeballs, will Jiuhuangshu protect him.


Shen Li smiled lowly, "Brother Huang, you are so interesting. At this juncture, you still have time to see me as a waste. I am very happy, you don't know, I haven't seen outsiders for a long time."


Shen Xuan's words are not easy to say, he thinks that you can just talk, can you stop laughing so loudly, and hold the knife firmly!

He was so frightened that he felt the urge to urinate again.

"Hey, my house was dirty by you, the emperor—what should I do? You said."

"I, I ordered someone to wipe and wipe it for you..."

"Huh?" Shen Li raised his eyebrows, and a mighty aura that seemed to exist poured out.

Shen Xuan stammered, "I'll come, I'll clean it! I'll clean it up for you!"

Tears and snot smeared his face, Shen Li looked away in disgust.

"But I don't dare to let go of you, the emperor. Who knows if you will bite back. Two fists are hard to beat with four hands, not to mention that you have brought a lot of people."

Shen Li smiled.

"Go! Get out of here!"

Shen Xuan immediately roared.

He was really afraid of Shen Li, this is a lunatic, more completely crazy than before.

At this time, he was still smiling.

He was really afraid that Shen Li would give him a knife regardless of the delay. In Shen Xuan's eyes, he was already a person waiting to die.

Who knows if he will want to drag him on before he dies!

Those eunuchs didn't dare to delay, and got out one after another.

"Close the door."

Shen Li raised his eyelids and said lightly.

The door was closed, and Shen Li stood up slowly, slowly playing with the dagger in his hand.

Shen Xuan was lying on the ground, but couldn't get up for a while.

"Brother Huang, you are really useless." Shen Li sneered.

He turned around, picked up the bowl of rice soup and drank it, "This place, I will trouble the emperor to clean it up for me."

Now, he doesn't want to die.

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