Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1634 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 67

The smile disappeared from Shen Li's face, and the anger in his eyes filled with anger.

It looks like a demon willing to fall into the abyss.

"Uncle Huang really knows everything," Shen Li murmured in a low voice, his smile not reaching his eyes. He looked at Su Yan, as if he was looking at some kind of obsession of his own.

"I really won't kill him. Not only that, but I will serve him well. So, is Uncle Huang happy?"

Su Yan seemed to be expressionless, but her drooping eyelashes trembled for a moment.

It was just this moment that made the anger between Shen Li's eyebrows stronger.

"It looks like Uncle Huang is happy—"


Emperor Jing is dead and a new emperor ascends the throne.

The first thing he did when he ascended the throne was to thoroughly investigate corrupt officials.

No one thought that the prince who was ignored by everyone and had no help from his mother's family would eventually become the winner. The prince was banned and could not get out for the rest of his life.

Originally, Shen Li wanted to attack other brothers, but he was still too immature.

At the beginning, he was able to ascend the throne as the emperor, but because everyone was unprepared, he was caught off guard.

After that, he took the opportunity to seize the weakness of many people.

But Su Yan has reacted now, where would she let him go.

Above the court, everything seems to be calm, but in fact, the dark tide is surging.

"Master, that one is here."

Ling Xue quickly walked up to Su Rou, took off her cloak respectfully, and whispered beside her.

"Let him go."

Su Yan turned around and went straight to the study, "He said that this king is not here."

Now that Shen Li is the emperor, for the sake of face, Ling Xue is the servant. Of course, I didn't dare to tell Shen Li according to Su Yan's original words, but Su Yan didn't care, as long as she let Shen Li go.

"But—" Ling Xue smiled bitterly, "This time the emperor is waiting for you in the study."

Su Yan took a step, and her face sank.

In my mind, 04 has learned a lot.

He asked in a low voice: [Master host, do you have any countermeasures? Let Shen Li continue to grow, and sooner or later he will become an existence that we can't shake. 】

【Is it? 】

Su Yan made an inexplicable hook: [If it wasn't because I believed in you, I would have thought that Shen Li was the soul fragment. He fits all the looks of that person. He is capable and ruthless. At this point, even if Shen Zuo is a fragment of his soul, I have to say that Shen Zuo is not as good as him. 】

This sentence silenced 04 in the system space.

After a long time, he smiled and said: [Yes, maybe the soul fragments of this world are a little weaker. 】

Su Yan raised her eyebrows, noncommittal.

At the door, the guard and Chunsheng were standing there. Seeing Su Yan, Chunsheng's eyes flickered, and he quickly stepped forward to kneel and salute, "Meet the Ninth Prince."

Su Yan walked past their ears without even a single glance.

The door was pushed open, the window of the study was open, and the mature teenagers wore black uniforms, and the golden patterns showed low-key luxury.

In the end it was different from before.

"Here's a cup of hot tea," Su Yan said with a cold face and a very low voice. "Also, go and tell Feitao. I'll go to her at night and ask her to get ready."

Ling Xue nodded obediently, "Yes, my lord."

"Uncle Royal."

These words made the eyes of the young man who turned his back to Su Roan suddenly sank.

His thin lips twitched slightly, his smile condensed, "Uncle Huang, are you sure you want to favor that concubine?"

"This has nothing to do with you," Su Yan sat down behind the desk and casually took out a book and flipped through it. "Not long after the emperor ascended the throne, why did he always go to Wei Chen's place?"

"I miss the emperor uncle."

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