Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1646 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 79

"Tsk, glib."

Su Yan glanced at him like a smile but not a smile, then stood up leisurely and stroked her sleeves.

"Well, that's the case, this king will go and see how far he is from death."

That attitude is called bad.

Chunsheng didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh, he got up with a grunt, "Thank you, Lord, thank you Lord."

He murmured in his heart: "Your Majesty, it's really embarrassing for you to be an Emperor.


Shen Li took a nap on the bed at noon, but when he woke up, he didn't see Chunsheng's figure.

He frowned, an evil fire came up, and he was reluctantly suppressed back.

At this moment, footsteps and Chunsheng's respectful voice came from outside the hall. Not too low, as if he was deliberately reminding something.

"My lord, the emperor is inside! He has lost a lot of weight these days, and he is seriously ill!"

On "sickness", he deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of words.

Shen Li: "???"

he is sick?

"Really?" The unsalty voice got closer and closer.

Shen Li sat up suddenly in shock, and the next moment he quickly pulled up the quilt and lay down.


Yes, I am sick.

So, when Su Yan came in, what he saw was a thin young man lying on the dragon bed with a pale face.

It does look kind of sick.

"Go to the doctor."

Su Yan instructed in a low voice, "The emperor is so ill, how do you palace servants serve you? Since the serving is not good, just drag it out and cut it."

As soon as these words came out, the ground crashed and fell to his knees.

Chunsheng was so scared that he was about to urinate.

Lord, is your serious tone true or false?


Shen Li's eyelids jumped, and he opened his eyes with a guilty conscience, and all of a sudden he met a pair of eyes that were half-smiling but not smiling.

He took a breath, and always felt that he was in front of this person, and his original shape had been revealed.

His throat was dry, he coughed a few times and pretended to be weak, "The emperor, the emperor, calm down, it's all the nephew's fault, don't punish them."

"How can I do that? If you don't serve the master well, what's the use of them?"

A group of palace servants crouched on the ground and shivered.

Shen Li: "Uncle Huang..."

Su Yan curled her lips and finally raised her hand, "Forget it, this is the emperor's place. Logically speaking, this king is indeed not qualified to handle this for the emperor."

She sat down beside the bed, and the quiet aroma of her body instantly filled Shen Li's nose.

His heart was beating very fast, and an abnormal flush appeared on his face.

Suddenly, a hand pressed against his forehead, and the fingertips were slightly cold.

"Yo, the emperor's fever is severe, so it can be seen that he is not very ill, it seems that he is not pretending."


Shen Li's heart skipped a beat, and hurriedly coughed a few times to save face, and said, "I'm sorry, Uncle Huang, come to see me in person, it's just a little cold, it's nothing to worry about."

He gave Chunsheng a wink, and Chunsheng quickly took the palace servants and scrambled out.

He also closed the door of the palace kindly.

Su Yan raised her eyebrows, pretended not to understand, and nodded.

"So, this king thought that the emperor was seriously ill. After all, listening to Chunsheng's tone, this king almost thought that the emperor was dying."

Shen Li: "..."

"Since the emperor just caught the cold, then this king is relieved. I also ask the emperor to take a good rest and take care of the dragon's body, and this king will not bother the emperor."

After she finished speaking, she got up and left.


It was the limit that Shen Li didn't see her for so many days. He hadn't seen her before, so he was able to suppress those thoughts. But now Su Yan took the initiative to appear in front of his eyes, and after just one glance, he seemed like a madman, and those thoughts could no longer be suppressed.

"Cough cough cough... Uncle Huang, Uncle Huang stay and accompany me."

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