Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1651 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 84

"To shut up!"

There was a scar on Shen Li's face. In the past year at the border, the bitter wind and snow washed away the last trace of immaturity on his body.

He became strong and tall.

His facial features are as handsome as gods, and his eyes are as cold as knives.

Bloody knife.

"I will not give up any of my subjects, remember, it is any!"

The long sword in his hand slammed into the soil and stood up with the sword in his hand.

Wearing a battle armor, the cloak behind him was blowing loudly.

With him, the military will be there.

The burly man wiped a handful of tears and knelt down on one knee, "I remember it!"

All the men in the army were strong-willed men, and tears welled up in their eyes at this time.

It's not so sensational, but it just pierced into their hearts.

Since ancient times, how many emperors have regarded them as human beings?

I think of them when I need to fight and give my life. Usually in the DPRK and China, the civil officials are high above, and they always look down on their military generals. If the battle is lost, the emperor will be held accountable. If they are victorious, they will have to keep them from holding military power, and they will raise troops to rebel.

Not to mention, the border is very cold, and I don't know how many soldiers freeze to death every year.

Those military salaries, after layers of exploitation, finally fell into their hands, how much is left?

In this army, there are teenagers and men with wives and children at home.

But the only thing in common is that someone at home is waiting for them to go back.

If you can live, who the hell wants to die? !

Kneeling down all around.

The voices of the soldiers pierced through the sky.

"Long live my emperor!"


Now that he has decided to go out, he has to make a plan to break through the siege blindly, and in the end it is just to let the soldiers die in vain.


Before Shen Li had time to discuss tactics with the generals, the enemy couldn't wait to take someone else's head.

There were corpses all over the place, and blood was everywhere.

Enemy's, their own.

Reflected in Shen Li's eyes one by one, an arrow was hit in his chest, which was snapped from the outside by him. The blue veins on the back of the hand were bulging, and the blood was dripping on it.

The soldier who was squatting beside him last night, his eyes full of reverence, was stabbed in the abdomen by the enemy with a knife.

He opened his mouth, and thick blood poured out.

It seems to be calling:



"Protect the Emperor!!"

In Shen Li's eyes, the world was like slow motion, and there were a steady stream of enemy troops, but there were only 3,000 of them.

Even if it is a wheel battle, it can drag them to death.

With a loud roar, Dayong's soldiers, ignoring the swords around them, all rushed towards Shen Li.

They want to use their flesh and blood to create a meat shield for Shen Li!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Take Shen Li's head!"

"Avenge the general! Kill it!"

Shen Li couldn't do anything, his eyes seemed to be full of blood.

The brain is chaotic, only the body's instinctive responses remain.


Kill a bloody way!

There are too many people.

His horse was knocked down and the man fell heavily to the ground.

The sky reflected in his eyes, it turned out to be so blue.

Is he going to die?



Suddenly the ground began to vibrate, and there seemed to be thunder in my ears.

Before Shen Li could react, the general was overjoyed, "Your Majesty, our reinforcements are here!"


The loss of blood made Shen Li's reaction become sluggish, and at this moment, a cold light flashed in front of his eyes. An enemy soldier with a bloody face and a ferocious expression raised his spear aloft—



An arrow passed through Xiao Bing's heart, but it was dull for a moment, and Shen Li quickly reacted.

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