Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1653 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 86

The first rays of light in the morning split the dark clouds and illuminated the earth.

In this desolate wilderness, I finally saw the light.

Countless soldiers raised their heads and watched quietly.

The wind was blowing from his cheeks, and the surroundings were quiet.


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from inside the tent.

Shen Li was disheveled and was kicked to the ground.

The woman has black hair in a shawl and is covered with a blanket at will. Liuli's eyes seemed to be cold, staring coldly at the man on the ground.

"Very happy?"

Shen Li let out a low cough and quickly restrained his smile. Kneeling obediently at Su Yan's feet, with his head down like a large loyal dog,

"Uncle, I was wrong."

"Oh, you're right, this king is wrong!"

Su Yan kicked over again, but Shen Li didn't even move.

Her feet were white and flawless, and her five toes were round and pink.

Looking up, there are little blatant red marks spreading up from the instep.


"If I had known, I should have let you die under the sword of chaos."

Her lips were red with blood, and there was a gap at the corner of her lips, which silently showed how wild someone was last night.

Shen Li obediently knelt beside Su Yan, beating and punishing.

He touched the long sword that had been lying on the ground all night, raised his hands respectfully, and handed it to Su Yan.

"To do such a thing to the uncle, I know that death is not a pity. But I don't regret it. If you give me another chance, as long as the uncle doesn't kill me, I will still choose to do it!"

His back was straight, and his hand holding the long sword was not shaken at all.

Su Yan laughed angrily at him.

He grabbed the long sword and held it against his throat, "Are you really the king who dare not kill you?"

Shen Li twitched his lips, "No, Uncle Huang dares."

His Adam's apple rolled slightly, and when he looked at Su Rou without concealment, his eyes were extraordinarily hot and magnanimous.

"I'm still saying that, Uncle Huang, if you hate me doing this, then do it. Don't worry, I have already arranged it, and when I die, you will be the emperor."

Even if he dies, he will protect her for life.

Su Yan pursed her lips and looked at the blood gushing out of his chest, which had soaked the white undershirt and dyed it blood red.

Her eyelids jumped, and suddenly she threw the sword on him, her voice extremely cold, "Get out."

The smile in Shen Li's eyes flashed quickly, and he picked up the sword, "Yes, I'm going to get out of here, Uncle Don't be angry."

He got up and instructed softly, "Bianguan is cold, even if the uncle is angry, don't make fun of yourself. I'm leaving now, Chunsheng will stay outside, what the uncle wants to eat, just tell him. It's just, in this boundary , I eat very little, I'm afraid I'm going to wrong Uncle Huang."

When he said this, he was full of heartache.

Su Yan has always lived in the imperial city and lived a luxurious life on weekdays. I'm tired of all the delicacies of the mountains and seas, and the food here is likely to feel like grit and hard to swallow.

Su Yan was too lazy to care about him, lay down and turned over.

Coldly said: "If you don't appear in front of this king, this king will be very happy."

When Shen Liquan didn't hear it, he bent down and carefully tucked the quilt for Su Yan.

"Uncle, let's rest first, I was exhausted last night."

Su Yan gritted her teeth, "Get out!"

Shen Li swallowed the smile that was about to overflow, and there was tenderness in his deep pupils.

This man looks cold and arrogant, but is actually the most soft-hearted.

He obviously did such an extreme thing to her, and in the end she just kicked him and did it.

"Yes, yes, I'm leaving now."

After he finished speaking, he didn't stay any longer, put on his clothes and went out of the tent.

As soon as Chunsheng saw the smile on his lips, he knew that he was in a very good mood now.

Repeatedly said: "Congratulations to the emperor, Hexi emperor!"

Next update before 12am during the day, chapter four

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