Male God, a Little Su

304 The shrew is in charge 1

Su Yan was abandoned, and he successfully persuaded her to accompany his partner. Then, while maintaining her good personality, she used Su Yan's love for him, and in the name of "paying for the future", asked her to accompany her partner again and again.

In the end, he got what he wanted, got everything from the Meng family, and successfully married Ye Siyu.

He should have lived happily ever after—

"No, no...should..."

He coughed up a mouthful of blood, accompanied by minced meat, and his eyes were bloodshot from the pain, staring at the gloomy night sky.

I couldn't close my eyes until I died...


"Stinky mother-in-law, get out of the way! Today I'm going to beat this dead girl to death!"

"Ah... woo woo, don't, stop hitting! If you hit her again, you will kill her! The child's father woo..."

The noisy voice, accompanied by a tingling pain all over his body, made Su Roan frown tightly.

She was lying on the cold ground, the whimper of a dog ringing in her ears.

"Hoohoo! If you bark again, I will stew you! What kind of world is it that I can't raise you enough, and I have to raise a dog?!"


"Stop beating! Do you have any other skills besides beating people?! What does it mean to be supported by you? It's obviously my mother who has worked hard for this family!"

The original body is also called Su Yan, and it was obtained by her mother Liu Cui from a teacher in Taohua Village. Her nickname is Jiaojiao. This shows that Liu Cui has a motherly heart and hope for her daughter.

However, things backfired. The original father was a travel doctor when he was young, but later he became addicted to gambling. Liu Cui's mother passed away early and welcomed her stepmother. Without asking at all, she was sent to Su's house directly after giving the money.

Not only was Su Wang addicted to gambling, but he later vented his anger at his family when he couldn't get the money.

His wife and children were never beaten by him.

Ten miles and eight townships, he hides when he sees him, like a flood of beasts, he hates him very much.

The original body had been broken by his father earlier, and he fell to the foot of the slope.

Although his facial features are good, he is born with dark skin and follows Su Zheping. In addition, she also has a gambler father, from ten miles and eight villages, where would anyone dare to have a family to marry her?

Even the poor family who couldn't open the pot didn't dare to marry, for fear of marrying her, he married a calamity and went back.

As a result, she is twenty, she is already considered an old girl in the village, and she can't marry.

Yuanshen has a younger brother named Su Qingyun. Unlike Yuanshen, he has a smart head. With Liu Cui's insistence, he also studied in the village school for a few years.

With good grades, he originally planned to save some money to send him to study in a bigger place, but the private money that Liu Cui worked so hard to hide was stolen by Su Wang and lost.

Not only that, but also owed a lot of debt to the outside world.

Every day, people come to ask for debts. If it wasn't for the fact that the original body was disabled and dark-skinned, I would have been dragged to the hook to pay off the debt.

The reason this time was that Liu Cui and Su Wang quarreled, and it happened that the original body gave the beggar a steamed bun.

If he didn't stop him, Liu Cui would be beaten to death today.

The original body was directly sold by Su Wang to Ren Yazi to pay off the debt. The only younger brother, because of hatred for murdering his father, was finally arrested by the government and sentenced to death.

After recalling Yuan Shen's tragic life, Su Yan suddenly opened her eyes.

Seeing the scene in front of him, his pupils instantly turned red.

Su Wang was pulling Liu Cui's hair and was slapping her in the face, while Su Qingyun was already sixteen years old, but he was as thin as a child. .

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