In fact, it is difficult to say, but it is not impossible. Xuan is Xuan, and his tricks are treacherous, which can catch people by surprise. Just this time, Su Yan knew that Mu Wan would not dare to do anything to her from now on.

She left the Mu residence safely, and none of the servants dared to stop her.

What happened that day, outsiders couldn't even find out a single word, they only knew that a big event happened in the Mu Mansion back then!

As for what the big deal was, the Mu family and the family kept their mouths shut, and the punishment for the traitors was surprisingly consistent. The women were beaten severely and sold in kilns, while the men had their hands and feet broken and thrown into refugee camps for begging.

"Oh? You mean that girl was brought into the Mu Mansion, and then came out intact?" Mrs. Wen paused when she heard the report from her subordinates, twirling the beads, then raised her eyes thoughtfully, "But Did you see it with your own eyes? Does she have a wound on her body?"

"No, it's like going in for a stroll. When I left, I was in a good mood. I even went around the city and bought a lot of things."

"That's interesting—"

Mrs. Wen chuckled, "There's no need to provoke her for the time being, until you investigate what happened to the Mu family."

With Mu Wan's personality, it is unlikely that Su Yan can come out alive. Unless something happened that shocked everyone and made them helpless, but they had to grit their teeth and let Su Yan go.

Although Mrs. Wen didn't see it with her own eyes, her guess is pretty close.

After she gave the order, she said to them: "Look at Gu Haoqing'er, don't let him get hurt!"

"Yes, ma'am!"


"Sister, why did you come back so late!"

Su Qingyun has been guarding at the entrance of the village, even though someone came to tell him that he was helping Su Yan with a message.

But when Su Qingyun looked at that person's mouse eyes, he always felt that something was weird, that that person was not a good person.

"I came back late after seeing a good show."

Su Yan responded casually with a half-smile.

"Good show?"

Su Qingyun followed her step by step, tilting his head curiously, "Is there anything interesting in this city? Why don't I know..."

"There are still many things you don't know, why? You want me to report them to you one by one?" Su Yan was neither salty nor dull, and had no mood to explain to Su Qingyun at all.

"No, no, I'm just curious."

Su Qingyun hurriedly shook his head, took the things in Su Yan's hand in a fawning manner, and was surprised, "You bought so many things?"

Liu Cui had already prepared the meal, and the life of the Su family is much easier now.

The arrears have been paid off, and her daughter is still capable. Liu Cui's life now feels like a dream, which is very unreal.

"Are you back? Come and eat quickly."

She wiped her hands and said hello.

Now that the house has been half built, Su Yan doesn't need much, but she must have three bright rooms, and the sleeping room is smaller.

The rest, she will use for the pharmacy and storeroom.

Liu Cui and Su Qingyun had no objection to her request.

After dinner, Su Yan stood up and said, "Mother, come with me, I'll teach you something."

"Okay, here we come!"

Liu Cui cleaned up the dishes and followed Su Yan.

Seeing that she was carrying bags of medicinal materials and some seasonings in her hand, she couldn't help being curious, "Jiaojiao, what are you going to do?"

"This is a recipe that I came across by accident while reading a book. Mother, please watch me carefully. If the experiment proves to be successful, the family can also make a living."

It is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish. Su Yan can support Liu Cui for the rest of his life. This is his responsibility.

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