Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 479 Miss Doomsday 15

One paw and one, the attitude of the master and servant is surprisingly consistent.

All greeted the head of the zombie, neatly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the zombie king turned around and wanted to run away.


Su Yan narrowed her eyes and shouted aloud. The huge beast immediately turned around and ran past Su Yan. Su Yan took two steps back, took advantage of her strength to run two steps forward, reached out to hold Xiaobai's ear, the snow-white fox even bent down considerately, and caught Su Yan firmly.

"Follow him!"

Su Yan held the Tang knife in his left hand, and a lot of blood was splashed on his body. Her sharp peach blossom eyes narrowed into long and narrow arcs, her red lips parted lightly, and where the knife tip pointed, it seemed to split through layers of barriers, and her whole body was full of aura.

The wind raged in his ears, and the zombie king was on all fours, running extremely fast like a beast.

It's a pity, no matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than Xiaobai.


Su Yan straightened up, and at the moment Xiaobai jumped up, he threw the Tang knife in his hand quickly and accurately.


The Tang knife went through the zombie king's spine firmly, and the remaining momentum took him far away.

The remaining blades trembled slightly in the wind and made a clanging sound.

Xiaobai moved very fast. At the moment when the zombie king was struggling to get up and escape, he flew over and stepped on him.

One master and one servant, the lower jaw is slightly raised, the same long and narrow eyes are lowered, the indescribable contempt and arrogance!

"I'm going...what the hell is this? I've crossed over?" The young boy slapped himself and shook his head.

Not far away, the white and black figure is still there.

The remaining zombies, along with the mourning of the zombie king, all rushed towards him, trying to rescue him.

Su Yan sneered, her eyes cold, would she give them this chance?

Pull out the Tang knife and hold it high.

In the roar of the zombie king, his legs were slightly bent, and the tip of the knife was inserted between his eyebrows. sink, spin—

Without the leadership of the Zombie King, those zombies without IQ once again became a mess of sand, and were jointly annihilated by the remaining group of people.

Su Yan dug out the gold crystal core in the zombie king's head, put it in his pocket, and walked back with Xiaobai.

In the distance, you can see the woman walking side by side with the snow-white giant beast, with a cold wind and a depressed back. Blowing her long hair tied up in a mess, the woman held the Tang knife in her hand, and the blood dripped from the tip of the knife—

"This is so fucking cool, isn't it?!!"

It took a long time for the boy to react, and he jumped up abruptly, hitting his left hand on his right hand, and his cheeks flushed with excitement.

"We are... rescued?" a woman murmured, her eyes turning red as she spoke, she wiped it hard, and looked at the woman who came with the giant beast, her eyes flashing strangely. of light.

at the same time--

Sitting in the corner, Fu Lan Xin was clutching his arms, and his face was dripping with water.

She didn't understand what went wrong, how did Su Yan become so strong? And where the hell did she get the shit luck, in her last life, she was so prosperous with a single face. She ruined her face in this life, can she still find a way to survive from the desperate situation?

Is it possible that we have to kill her to solve the troubles? !

Jinan stared closely at the woman who was approaching. Her face had long been invisible to her once peerless elegance. But Ji Nan could clearly hear his heart beating powerfully.

Plop, plop, plop—

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