Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 492 Miss Doomsday 28

In the living room of the villa, the rest of the people went out to have fun. Lao Xiao lowered his head to wipe the weapon for a while, and the villain in the Jingjia game machine was killed by the monster because of a mistake. The two of them stared blankly at Su Yan together, their eyes uncertain.

It was Xin Yue who reacted and ran quickly to the door to see. Seeing no one, she quickly closed the door.

Su Yan's guess had an answer.

She leaned on the sofa, wrapped a large shawl on her body and chuckled, "What's the matter? The base is strictly managed?"

Old Xiao nodded, "What is the world now? This kind of thing is a rare thing. And the laboratory is still studying how to overcome the zombie virus. In the entire base, medicinal materials are not allowed to buy and sell at all, and they are all in the hands of the top. ."

"It's okay for you to deceive others, there's no need for me," Su Yan hummed, raised her eyes lazily to look directly at Lao Xiao, "Through the ages, there must be brave men under the huge profits, don't tell me that you have no way out. .Even if the power user's recovery ability is stronger than ordinary people, it is not invincible. So where does the wound medicine come from? Keep up with the purchase?"

Old Xiao panicked when she saw her black eyes, he swallowed his saliva and moved his eyes away uncomfortably.

"You, how do you know everything..." He was helpless.

Jingjia tilted her head and asked, "Sister Su, what kind of medicine do you want to buy? Just go to the pharmacy in the base and buy it."

"No, I want raw materials."

"Raw materials?!" Jing Jia and Lao Xiao looked at each other, "Sister Su, what do you want the raw materials for? Ordinary people will not use them after buying them!"

Even Jing Jia, who went to medical school, only learned a little bit of fur. If you really let him see it, he couldn't tell anything.

"Treating your face," Su Yan opened her lips, her dark eyes were like glaze, and the cold light flashed, "If there is a way, just take me there. Don't forget what my family does."

The original family is the largest pharmaceutical company in the country, and it has its own research and development team.

No one doubted what Su Yan said.

Jing Jia opened his mouth, looked at the deep scars on Su Yan's face, and swallowed the doubtful words back in his stomach.

Forget it, hope is better than no hope.

"Okay, I'll take you there!" Lao Xiao decided.


It's better to choose a day than to hit the sun. That night, Lao Xiao took Su Yan to a nightclub outside the D area.

As soon as you enter it, a group of demons dances wildly, which is more open than the play before the end of the world. After all, at the moment of the enemy, no one knows whether they will be able to see tomorrow's sun after today, and they are all frantically twisting their waists on the dance floor to vent their pressure.

The explosive dance music made Su Yan frown, and the little fox squeaked twice, and excitedly stuck out a small head from Su Yan's pocket.

The next second, a slender and slender index finger touched its forehead and forced it back.

Lao Xiao asked Su Yan to wait at the bar, but he was well-versed and went inside.

This time, Su Yan did not bring Xu Liu and Shu Ya with her. She sat on a high chair, and the dim light hit her bumpy body, which made the nearby men look at her back and couldn't help being attracted. .

There was a light tap on the shoulder.

Su Yan raised her eyebrows and heard a drunken voice. It was self-evident that she would strike up a conversation, "Miss, would you like to have a drink together?"

Jing Jia frowned and was about to stare back.

Seeing Su Yan propped up her lower jaw, half of her body was leaning on the bar, and she turned her head as if she had no bones, "Okay~"

521~I love you~muamua

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